Specialty character-new 1-9-2014 |
**This specialty character is for the Gate Brothers by HU the Loss**
Ŝąϩђă I think I'm <ancient> in cat years and in dog years, so in human years, I'm <23> I'm a <shifter> A confused one. I like the <males> of the species I have a couple <tricks> up my sleeve. I can turn in to a <great black wolf> or an <albino lion> I'm pretty tall, at <5> feet, <10> inches. I work out, only <160> pounds. My <story> is kind of complicated. Bear with me: I'm the daughter of the highly unusual, backward, strange, once in a millennia coupling of a canine shifter and a feline shifter. My mother was a frost wolf, my father was a rare black lion. Somehow, the coloring got swapped with me, don't ask. Anyway, I was abandoned as a cub/kitten because my mother was ashamed of a freak half breed like me, and my father, well, he didn't abandon me, he was just one of those wanderer sorts and didn't know I existed. Unfortunately, near as I can tell from trying to find him, he was the only black lion in the area, and he died in a skirmish over territory a few years back. Anyway... ...oh, the wolf was out again? I'm sorry! She's so nasty sometimes, and very bitter about our mother and father. Yes, I was abandoned young, but a pack of regular wolves took pity on me despite my weird looks and strange smell. I grew up wild, for the most part, but as I grew older, my human form began to dominate more. Once I hit puberty, I decided it was time to go make a real life for myself. I thanked the wolves for helping me so, and went off in search of something to do with myself. The wolf made decent money as a tracker, for all her attitude, and I was always good at mediating disputes. I had work as both a judge and a hunter, and I was happy, for a while. In my spare time, or the wolf's we tracked down information about our parents, that's when we found out our father was dead and we found our mother's pack, still alive, but she wouldn't even see us! It was... ...ugh, that mewling kitten. She better not have left out any of the details. Oh, she told you about our work? Oh good, that leaves the thrilling conclusion to me. After the incident with our mother, though I hardly see fit to call her that, I threw myself into my tracking jobs. Unfortunately, the lion was right for once, when she told me I took on a job a little too risky and didn't bring help. I was hunting an infamous group of vampires for the leader of a city, because they had been terrorizing his people. There's always been a rivalry between those bloodsuckers and shifters, and unfortunately, they found me about the same time I found them, and they decided the ultimate punishment for my interference would be to be sold in to slavery. So, here I am. Buy me. I dare you. Don't let the kitten fool you with her sweet act either, lions have claws and fangs too!
The Beauty... The <fur> on my ears and tail is <white>My <eyes> are <blue>My <hair> is <pale grey>I tend to <act> sweet, cool-headed, intellectual, reasonable, teasing, loving.I am always <out> when the moon is <dark>
...and The Beast The <fur> on my ears and tail is <black> and frosted with some <grey>My <eyes> are <dark amber>My <hair> is <black> streaked with <auburn> and <blonde>I tend to <act> snarky, rude, sarcastic, hot-tempered, violent, gut instinctI am always <out> when the moon is <full>
Baroness-Aiyanna · Fri Jan 10, 2014 @ 05:08am · 0 Comments |
New RP character 1-8-2014 |
 Name: Arika (Ah-ree-kuh), called Ari Age: 20 Hair: longer than in the picture Eyes: unusually bright emerald green Race: Dryad Abilities: Manipulation of plants and water, speech with animals, extremely charismatic, some small magic that helps her influence with people. Strong, but not supernaturally so, but very fast. Non-Magic abilities: Singer, dancer. very flexible and acrobatic. She hasn't really used many weapons but she has some skill with a staff and daggers. Orientation: Straight Personality: Typically cheerful and free spirited. Fiercely protective of those she loves and respects. Occasionally has a temper Bio: Arika was born in a small tribe of nomads who happened upon her very pregnant mother while they were passing near the edge of a small forest. An honorable and kind people, they were not about to leave a woman alone in such a plight, and took her with them, offering the woman space in one of their wagons and food from their table. She repaid their kindnesses as she could, giving them a contents of a basket she carried with her, full of rare, beneficial plants, berries, and seeds. The nomads wouldn't use them themselves, but they would fetch a good deal of money in the appropriate market. About two weeks after joining the nomads, the strange woman gave birth, to a little girl. Unfortunately, she did not survive more than a few minutes after labor, just long enough to hold the baby and ask that she was taken good care of.
Again, being an honorable people, the nomads took care of the child, giving her to another young woman to raise who had recently lost a baby to sickness. They gave her the name Arika, a name of their tribe, and raised her with their traditions. She was taught some basic self defense as were all members of the tribe, as the nomadic life was not always the safest. At the age of 7, her first powers manifested, when she came running to her foster mother, screaming that the horse had spoken to her. The woman ran to the tribe shaman, who assured them that is was probably magic. They had seen her mother do none during the two short weeks with them, but that did not necessarily mean anything, and of course, there was no telling who Ari's father was. So the shaman, a middle-aged woman, helped Ari to explore and control her powers, and as they slowly revealed themselves further, one of her abilities with plants gave her the uncanny knack to find rare herbs, and the shaman began to suspect Ari's birth mother had been a dryad. Ari was simply following the same path as her mother.
By the age of 12, Ari had discovered all her powers, and become quite talented with them. The tribe adored her, with her on their side, they never went thirsty, for she could also manipulate water, and they could always find food. Their animals never panicked or ran with Ari there to calm them with gentle words spoken in to their minds. Unfortunately, this would not last forever. When she was 20 years old, while passing through a mountain pass, the tribe was ambushed. Many of the members were killed, and those that weren't were captured and sold in to slavery. Alone now, Ari is sitting in the slave market. She wants to escape, and try to find the members of her tribe and family who are still alive, but knows chances are slim of that, so waits to be sold to whomever will become her new master.
**This character is for the twins by Warrior Aurelius**
Baroness-Aiyanna · Thu Jan 09, 2014 @ 09:43pm · 0 Comments |
Pretty Post/Character SAMPLE |
Alright. This is for those individuals who absolutely leeeerrve pretty posts and require it in an RP. No, I don't enjoy doing this, but I do know how. This is an example of what I CAN do, not necessarily what I LIKE to do or what I am always WILLING to do.
For the post, I merely took my angels and demons RP idea and colored/decorated it. The character is a random sample, ergo no real bio. I also included a post by the sample character as how she would reply in an RP, nice and pretty.
I know it's very colorful and faintly spastic, but in this post I merely used different colors to represent the actions of different characters. Their speech color matches, its darker and in bold.
A man ran through rain-soaked streets in pale gray afternoon light. It had been raining most of the day, and his feet splashed through countless puddles on the asphalt. His breathing came hard; he was in decent shape, but not exactly an athlete and he’d been running awhile. Running away. Having just witnessed a massacre carried out by a single man in the dorm hall where he lived, he’d been the only one to get away. But the man, monster, thing, whatever he was, had pursued him. Looking around desperately for somewhere to hide, he spotted a seedy motel and ducked inside. There was no one in the little cashier’s box with its bulletproof glass, and luck was finally on his side. He opened the door and crouched down, trying to calm his breathing as his legs trembled and water pooled around him, dripping from his skin, clothes, and hair.
Then he heard the door of the motel open, the cheerful jingle of the bell ringing to alert anyone that a customer was here. But this was no customer. “I know you’re in here….” a deep voice sing-songed. There was an evil sort of chuckle. “Daaaavid….That’s right, isn’t it? Your name is David? Oh, the angels must simply love you. A call back to one of their few and not so impressive victories, David and Goliath…ha. Unfortunately for you, it’s not a battle of man and giant, this time, more a match between an insect and a fly swatter. It’s really not fair.” Suddenly the man was there, in the opening of the cashier’s box, and David squeezed his eyes shut, knowing that those eyes like black holes would be his last sight on this earth.
“No!” another deep male voice cried, and there was a flash of bright white light. “You will not have him Azaizel!” David opened his eyes again in surprise. There was another man standing there in the opening of the cashier’s box, and he was massive, and…dear God. Were those wings coming out of his back? He held a huge gleaming longsword in both hands, facing off with the black-eyed man, Azaizel, apparently. Azaizel snarled, his own black blade coming up. “Gabriel. I might have known. Coming to protect your little pet. But you didn’t stop me from wiping out that entire dorm hall, did you? That must irk you so.” The angel, he had to be an angel, growled. “Their spirits are being attended now. They will all enter the Kingdom. You, on the other hand, are going straight back to Hell!” He attacked, and David watched in awe through the glass as the two locked in an epic struggle.
Suddenly, he heard a ‘pst!’ from the door, and looked back, eyes widening. Easily the most beautiful woman he had ever seen beckoned from the door. “David, come here!” she whispered urgently. He stepped out of the cashier’s box reluctantly. He knew against the two busily destroying the lobby as they fought each other, it was little, if any, protection, but he still did not want to leave it. Then he came out and saw that the woman was not only holding a bow, but had a sword strapped to her hip and wings coming from her back. She was an angel, like Gabriel, and he stared, mouth gaping. “What on earth…” She shook her head, interrupting. “No time now!” There was a howl in the other room, Azaizel had spotted their attempted retreat. “No!” he screamed, charging. The woman grinned, grabbed David and pulled him close. “Not today, imp,” she said mischievously, and they vanished in a cloud of white smoke, leaving behind only the sound of her musical laugh. The demon screeched again, shattering all the glass in the room. Still standing in the other room, Gabriel shook his head, and vanished as well, leaving Azaizel to rage alone.
Now, for the character. Again, just a random sample, so I put fairly minimal effort in to her details. I made an actual character instead of a skeleton to use as a sample for the character post.
When ~You can call me~ [ Ally ] There
~If you could see behind the tears, my eyes are~ [ grey ]
The ~My hair is~ [ blonde, ] ~when it's clean~ Is
Light ~Standing by a ruler, I barely reach~ [ 5'2'' ] ~in height~ No
Dies, ~I don't eat much, so~ [ 106 lbs. ] ~is all I weigh~ Darkness
Shadow ~Can't you see the~ [ blood? ] ~I'm a~ [ vampire ] Without
~I tend to be~ [ moody, quiet, sad ] ~since the change~
Cries ~Not that it matters, but I am~ [ straight ] Light
~This is my story:~ [ Insert Bio Here Insert Bio Here Insert Bio Here Insert Bio Here Insert Bio Here Insert Bio Here Insert Bio Here Insert Bio Here Insert Bio Here Insert Bio Here Insert Bio Here Insert Bio Here Insert Bio Here Insert Bio Here Insert Bio Here Insert Bio Here Insert Bio Here Insert Bio Here Insert Bio Here Insert Bio Here Insert Bio Here Insert Bio Here Insert Bio Here Insert Bio Here Insert Bio Here Insert Bio Here Insert Bio Here Insert Bio Here Insert Bio Here Insert Bio Here Insert Bio Here Insert Bio Here Insert Bio Here Insert Bio Here Insert Bio Here Insert Bio Here ]
Okay, last but not least, the pretty post. this is again, an actual sample, not just a skeleton

Shadow In The Light
Like rising from deep underwater, Ally came awake at last. As she came to, she tried to move, but her entire body was stiff and sore. She groaned, and tried to speak, but it came out as a rasp, her throat was so very dry. "What...Where am I?" she asked herself, not realizing there was another person in the room. She tried to remember her last clear moment, but it seemed those memories were from days ago. What had happened leading up to this moment, how she had gotten...wherever this was, was hazy. She took stock of what she could without looking around. It was dark as midnight anyway, and she could see little even in the little light there was, her vision still blurry with sleep.
She felt cold hard stone under her shoulders, she was lying on her back, waist slightly turned and knees partially drawn up, as if she'd collapsed here. Or someone had dropped her here. She shuddered at the thought. With another groan, she managed to roll herself over and push herself to her knees. Now upright, she rubbed at her eyes with her hands, trying to clear them. It was little improvement, once she took her hands away, but Ally could now make out faint outlines of shapes, and as she peered in to the darkness, more and more became clear, much more than a normal person could see in the dark. Confused, and a little afraid, she turned around, to spot a figure sitting in a chair just ten paces behind her.
She gasped and leaped away, scuttling backwards on hands and feet, her stiffness suddenly forgotten in fear. "Who...who are you?" she gasped out. Why was her throat so very dry? She coughed a bit, trying to clear her throat, but it was no good. There was a dark chuckle, and the figure stood, walking forward into a small bit of light that came through a window high above. The light revealed cold pale features, hair black as a crow's wing, thin white lips, and sunken, shadowed eyes that Ally could not tell the color. "Why," he replied, his voice a quiet hiss, "your creator, of course." He uttered another low chuckle, and this time, she saw a white gleam at his mouth. Fangs. Shaking her head, eyes wide with horror, Ally scooted away further and felt tears coming to her eyes, knowing instinctively what had been done to her.
Hope you've enjoyed the presentation. I think this is a fairly well rounded depiction of my skills, but I'll tell you now they don't go much farther than this.
Baroness-Aiyanna · Tue Jan 07, 2014 @ 11:42pm · 0 Comments |