Yes its true for those who do know me and like to talk to me.
Basic was a fun experience, and I'm glad I chose to go into the Army.
I get to go to AIT now, (Advanced Individual Training), and I get to keep my laptop however, I don't know when I'll get internet to go with it, but I do know that I will be doing all I can to get internet. razz I miss alot of things in Delaware, and I miss my family more. razz Good news is, I got to spend time with them here before I left off to AIT. Some good news is that I will be back for 10 days after the AIT is all said and done, however it finishes Oct 10th 2008. razz A long ways away, but I'll attempt to stay busy and will read all emails I get.
My email that I want people to use is
That is where I get all the Army stuffs and so if I use that, I will get your emails.
Other then that, I wish to tell everyone a few things about what I did.
- I threw 2 live grenedes
- I went threw a gas chamber with real CS gas in it. .... It was fun, to say the least.
- I repelled a 80 foot wall.
- I Shot a M16-A2 Rifle almost everyday.
(And cleaned it almost twice as much)
- Did more push-ups then most people do in there entire life.
- Ran 2-miles in 15 mins and 12 seconds.
razz (eat it!)
- Ate some of the worst food ever, MRE's are actually better then the DEFAC!
- Lived with some of the most perverted guys ever..... for tooo ******** long.
- I have also sweat more then I have my whole life. O.o ewww
- I have had more water then I have had my whole life.
- 80 lb of equipment is nothing to me now.
- 10miles with said equipment is nothing now.
Get the idea? I got more, but I'm lazy, peace out for now! biggrin

And now, a little about me. biggrin
I'm 19, I am in the Army and I'm proud of it. I'm glad your seeing my profile, because I have been spending more and more time updating it. Soon, I will change the look of it, but I'm lazy. So, we shall see. To those who don't know me, I can rant if you piss me off. To those who do know me, <3 you all. >;3 <--- that would be my favorite emote in the world right now. If I use it a lot, I'm sorry, but like I said, it is my favorite emote at the moment, and I use >...< a lot too. I love video games, and have a Xbox Live Gamer Tag, PM me and I'll be more then happy to tell you what it is. I own a 360, PS2, PC, and many other systems, that are older. I do not, own a PS3, DS, or a PSP. (working on it... >;3) I do have a DeviantArt Page, just ask, and I'll give you a link to it. I have just about every social web site out there. You ask, and I might just have one. (FaceBook, Myspace, IMVU, you name it, I might have it) I also have every messenger under the sun. L_L Except for those darn Koren ones. I sign on to everyone of them, everyday. Unlike most of my best friends. I love to be online, and love to talk, and listen to myself talk. >;3 Just kidding, but no really, I like to have conversations with people, so if you wish to talk to me, PM me, however, I warn you, I don't like talking on MySpace, however, I can/will do it. I just don't like too, I however, for some odd reason, don't mind talking on GaiaOnline. And now for something about me, I have Dyslexia, and if it wasn't for Mozilla Firefox's Spell checker, you would see me miss spell just about... 12 words per paragraph. >;3 And now onto the topic of my life. Oh, joy.
Born in Brunswick, Maine 0-1
Raised in Olean, New York 1-10
Live in Delaware, Ohio 10-19
(For those who couldn't guess, the #'s are the years I was in those towns)
I have lived in just over 20 houses/apartments. However, only one of these places I have lived in over 4 years. That was the last place I lived, I lived with my mothers boy friend. Now, on to my family.
Mother - Yes
Father - 3, Real dad, left me at the age, of 0. 2nd Dad, my favorite of all time, I miss his family. 3rd dad, is my little brother's father.
Brother - Yes, 1.
Sister - No
Step sister - Yes, 1.
Step Brother - Yes, 1. They are both the son and daughter of 2nd Father.
Now onto other subjects.
3 Years of my life were working in Fast food/Restaurants. I know how to cook, only when I feel like cooking, but when I do, prepare for a world of flavor. My one recipe that I am quite proud of is my Chunky Chicken Noodle Soup that I cook in a Crockpot. Not a soul that has tasted it, didn't like it. Not one, and I have let many people taste it. As I have stated before, I am going to the Army. I'm going to be going to Basic on the 24th of January. And I'm going to be there for 9 weeks. Then after that, 10 day leave. (I don't really know what I will be doing during that time.) After that, I go to Training for my job, for 26 weeks. I get done on Oct 10th 2008. Thats when I get to choose my place I wish to live, to do my job. And I get to do my job for 5 years, and will still be on call for the Army for 2 years after that. Unless I choose to work for the Army for longer. Which I just might. I don't plan on going to collage, because I have what I need right in front of me, I just need to work hard and get what is being handed to me. I can't really think of other things to talk about here. I like Pears... like an Obsession. My all time favorite meal is: Chunky Chicken Noodle Soup with a side of Pizza Bites, and 2 Pears. >;3 Gib me this, and the next day I'll do what ever you want. I have 3 Best friends, 1 I have known for Almost 9 years now, male, and is the exact opposite of me, as in likes and dislikes, but we think alike on almost everything. He is goth/emo/skater. I'm ... well, look at my MySpace and you'll see. The next best friend is one that I have known for 3 years now. We first met when I was playing my Game Boy Advance SP In my "Special Ed Class" And he wanted to know what game, the game was Castlevania, but I don't remember which one. lol Anyways, he is my Gamer Best friend. We used to play MapleStory a lot, thats how we became best friends. Through that game. Now, we don't talk as much, but we understand each other. Then there is my Female best friend. I gotta say, without her, I couldn't deal with my current GF, but I love her lots, >...< and she knows it. She has an account on here, Kusare, comment spam her, she needs it. She is black, and I make black jokes with her all the time. >;3 Oh, and she is a major noob, but is my noob. ;D Ok, as you can tell, she always gets me into a better mood. Ok, now on to my all time Favorite game. Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, I got it from my Step-Brother, who gave it to me on my 14th B-Day, and I have loved it ever since.
If you read all this, I'm glad, at least you read something that took me 2 hours of my time to type out. Enjoy your day.