This is the Journal of how I came to be and some highlights of my life.
By Yours Truly...
It all Started in a old washed down Trailer in Lubbock, Texas. Where me and
my family lived. Around 7 yrs old, There was a big flood. It was so huge, that it
filled up Car that was parked on the road near my house. Also the water was
up to the level of my porch, which was about 3-4 feet tall. I also was swimming
in the water, it was so much fun. Our TV was so small, it was the size of a old
computer monitor. There was also a hole in the roof of our old trailer. The only
entertainment we had was a old game console that was older than the
Nintendo. When it was my 8th birthday, I got a play station. The first game I
played on it, was the Toy Soldiers game. My first FPS game. Later on,
around 10 yrs old, we traded in our old trailer for a new one. Then we got a
new computer when I was 11 yrs old. It used to be in the kitchen, but somehow
it got moved into my dads room. Then after that we got Dish Network.
Later on around the age of 13yrs old, I got a Game Cube, while my bro
got a Xbox. Also around this time, is where I had to where glasses.
Later on when i was around the age of 15, we got our first chihuahua, Bubba.
Then after that we got a female chihuahua, Moca. After that was when I got
my xbox 360 at the age of 18. Then later on, I got a computer that my parents found in the
trash some wheres that I am using now. Then I graduated high school around the age of 19.
And that's basically it... sadly. Since after that I've been trapped at home doing stuff like this
basically. I might make another topic about my school life, then maybe another one about
the bad parts of my life.
Created by l Sire Fox l
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About me
This will describe who I am, and what I do.
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