More poetry.... I was bored. |
Well, nothing much to say here. Just bored. Here ya go.
Question to Tell
Hmm, strange. I feel odd doing these things. Expression can be one of the commonly used action, But for me, To do that in front of you or anyone else. If only I could do that freely.
Free par to do anything, Not having to worry about the next. But no, When I do tell you, My mouth burns and my muscles contort, I feel as if I'm being pulled apart, one by one.
Pick me part. Come on, I dare you! Tear me from limb to the next only until three parts remain brain, heart and hand
Darkcloud14 · Sat Dec 30, 2006 @ 02:10am · 1 Comments |
Wow.... shows how much I use this. |
Well, its been a while. Due to the fact that the title of this entry speaks for itself. Here i'm not going to talk about what has been wrong with me lately. I'm not the big on saying these things more than I should. It's almost like regression. Don't need it. So... All i have for you people is Poetry. Have fun!
The Actor
A play. A movie. A little entertainment. He is a guy than can put on an act. This act is where he is a character where the writer already knows what he will do next. He can be the guy than can be witty, someone who jokes and then later used as relief. The man who makes an impact. Or someone to talk to the supporting characters. The over dramatic guy who takes things seriously with action. Or a sincere hero. Whomever her plays, He plays with not as much as grace but merely talent. Dazzling others by what he does, how the director tells him what to do and later the actor does that action scene. This actor may even star as a romantic temptation, for a sea of lust to wash him away. He may even be assigned to be the hopeless romantic that gets the at the end of the movie. Who knows? He might even be heartbroken. Cast away like a blossom. After when the lights shut off and everyone fades to black, the actor is a person who plays something new each day, but in life, no one knows who really is the actors actual role. For one ever watches black and white films that star an actual human being, alone, on nine millimeter.
I might even post a few poems one after another. Maybe. Depends on how school likes me or not.
Darkcloud14 · Fri Dec 22, 2006 @ 04:33am · 1 Comments |
Looking from the times that I put in a journal or so, it looks like this has become Darkcloud' MONTHLY journal of doom. Being a person at my day and age, it kinda gets hard and pointless to put in a journal entry but it.. cause some amusment to me. Right now, my chin and better part of my lower part of my face are... SMOOTH! It's kinda annoying to feel the wnd and stuff as your chin is so smooth after shaving. It is like... every feeling is intensified and if I get some citric acid on it, it really burns! well... some fruits anyways. I'm writting this durring Info Tech class so in REALLY bored as day 2 of the substitute days in here. So I've been doing nothing for about 2 days now. Yesterday I finished my project of composite of mixing a bunch of stuff up and making it into something but, it's handed in and now All i got to do, is either go on Gaia here, check my mil and waste time. Well, toodles until next month or so. I might do one after Hallow's Eve.
Darkcloud14 · Wed Oct 25, 2006 @ 08:07pm · 2 Comments |
Updating of longtime Need |
Well halo thar. Man its been quite some time for updating this. WHew. its been long. What can I say. Nothing really big had happened unless you could go-karting, last grade, mom wanting me to do portfolio, Euro trip and lots of other stuff. Maybe its not that important. WOO! Well there isn't much to say. Other than this cold sucks a**. Even thought I think I have it licked it keeps coming back for more with a semi-hard punch. I was hoping it would be over and done with tomorrow but oh well. My plan of Vit C, juice and medicane with rest would work but its works only slowly. Oh well. Well stay tuned for a new journal. Maybe. Maybe you guys dont read these anymore and this is just my little fun wasting time for these... Meh.
Darkcloud14 · Mon Sep 25, 2006 @ 07:00am · 1 Comments |
School Starts again... one more year |
Yes, this is going to be one of those years where you are the only person in your school that people will look up to. Maybe, maybe not. But there will be a definate of course. You get to see the younger grade kids trying to "fit in" with outrageous clothing and attitudes. It's funny to watch them start thier downwards spiral. But by the time they figure it out it will be too late and I won't be there to laugh in the shadows. Oh well. Thats one thing I don't have to worry about, I guess.
Now for some poetry. Hope you all likes.
Jealousy of the Unattanable
Looking at the people of the youth Watching them go on in thier lives With a girl or guy that they adore Having them close at times of need
I pass street lights I pass bus stops I even pass benches They are all around
It feels like you have the best life of all Being on your own With kick a** friends And with the people you have good times with
But when all is said and done They all say their good-byes And you stand there smiling But really all you need is a hug.
Darkcloud14 · Mon Sep 04, 2006 @ 05:34am · 2 Comments |
Well.. today has been a good day. I went paintballing with my friend Ruladian. We.. had such a good time... *paintball gun noises* yess... It was fun. I had a great day but his step dad made me dance shot me while we're walking back. I have a welt on my a**... and it hurts.. crying . Also from last tuesday till friday I was at my friend's cabin and those day were wild up there. We like had this big battle with sticks and driftwood. Like sword fighting, then when we star-gazed at night we saw about 4 shooting stars with long tails, a bunch of constilations and a exploding star. it thought it was cool. I don't think we'll ever see that again in our intire lives. PLUS! At night the water around his cabin was glowing. Yes, glowing. It was like phosherous in the water. it was so cool you would have been speachless.
Darkcloud14 · Mon Aug 21, 2006 @ 06:01am · 1 Comments |
I never thought that the news was soo good! |
This morning in my hgalf wakeness of the morning, my father stuck something under my nose when eating my cherrio nurishment. I read the article and it was something about the portfolio thing for Canadian students. It said that the portfolio is being revised, which means for the grad class of 2006/2007 will not have to do it! YYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Today was a day to celebrate. My friends came and told me of the wonderful news and we all danced. I make this speach to you all. Now that the Canadian grad are now released of the oppressing portfolio we are free from it. Free from it I tell you, FREE! We are now able to roam around the streets and have more time instead of slaving over it and getting it completed! We are now able to play video games, work more which grants us more money and be able to be teens! Our shakles have been destroyed and we are free! FREEDOM! We are now able to hold our heads high and achieve something much more. Not doing the portfolio. The words shall be known through out the land and heard far and wide that the grad class of this year will not do it! Now we are free and I love it because now there will be no more fildiling with extra stuff, no more work experience, no 80 hours of physicla fitness, not interview and now more extra work! I love it! SO much. You can't believe how happy I am, its unreal of the glee I have. That the graduating class can now be joyfull, gleeful, happy and concentrate more on other things than that!
Darkcloud14 · Fri Jul 28, 2006 @ 02:45am · 2 Comments |
Hello all. I know I haven't put up a new journal entry in a while but you know me, I only write something in here unless I have a good reason to. And, yep, you guessed it, I have a reason to write. Tonight I've watched the movie 'The Weather Man'. If you're one of those people that like to watch something that is very provokitive, go rent it. If your not one of those types of people, I wouldn't much recommend it. After watching the movie which had a slow start to it, I looked back at it and saw something that really relates to us teens of the ever-growing technologic world thats filled with fear. What I came away from the movie is that attention can mean everything in your life. School, Jobs, Conversation and anything else that affects you. If you think about what is going forward for yourselves, you then think about how you want to move yourself forward to get to it. And try an achieve that by focusing on that and then go for it. If your becom distracted, it may be hard to get to it then. That may sound a bit confusing to read, but if you think about, you'll get it (pm me if you have questions). It may sound something like a councellor would say to you at your school but could you people try and look at it this way. Look at whats going for you. Do you like how you are moving in Life? If you do, find out what maintains it and keep with it.
Darkcloud14 · Mon Jun 05, 2006 @ 06:01am · 0 Comments |
Hello everyone who likes to read this journal. Another entry of poetry.
A Distant glance
A glance from afar can be fine A stare for a second can pass But when it catches something interesting It wouldn't let it go
I wouldn't be able to keep my eyes to stray away from it I keep looking at it Looking at every detail So it can be burned into my mind
A simple glace may be a moment for some They'll look and then look to another But not for me I keep glancing back
I keep glancing back to the flowing hair I keep glancing back to the brilliant eyes I keep glancing back to the warm smile And that image will linger always
Then one day I want to get close But something has already been there If I destroy that for this When it disappears, there will be nothing
So for now I'll stand afar Sometimes coming close And then sliding back to the shadows For just one more glance
Darkcloud14 · Thu May 11, 2006 @ 02:48am · 5 Comments |