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Litena's Journal
Litena's Journal
World Cup!
Hey Everybody!!
It's been a long time since I post a new entry!!
I'm so exited... cheese_whine

I don't know if people are following this main event, but as a biggggggggg soccer fan, I watched all the world cup matches and now, my 2 countries will meet in the final!!!
SO exited!!!!


I bet you all guess which country I support. I'm french, yeah, but mommmy is Italian, as my hearth and my spirit...

Of course, I'm sure Italy will win... Italy won for the last time in 82, my birth year, so It's been 24 years ... This can sounds stupid but my bd is on the 12-12 (12+12=24) so I'm sure Italy will win... After all, France didn't even scored against Switzerland!!!

Let's hope this will be a great match!!! heart

VAI VAI VAI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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