Dear diary/journal/special buddy...
Nearly 2:30am, wide awake, nothing to do... Not good. x.x Took me forever to denocturnalize myself. :L My mom will not be happy. - n- Anyways, I decided, since I'm too lazy to write in the journal I keep under my pillow, and in a handwritten journal, I can't draw the cute faces (i.e o 3o, ;D, >u<, c:, o:, o;, ^u^, c;<, etc.) and thoughts come easier to me when I type, I'll just keep my journal here. c: You can be my thought buddy<33 I'ma name you, like in Anne Frank's diary. She named her diary Kitty o: I think I'ma name you something like Cheddar, or Tofu Stir fry. xD I'll have to think about it. c: (Don't judge me, I haven't eaten all day, I'm sick ;l) Ooooh, that reminds me! I'm sick.... ;~; I've been sneezing all day long, and I have a fever. ;l Luckily my baby is here next to me<3 (And when I say baby, I mean my dog - n-) I'ma try to go to bed soon O: Fall asleep to some Rick Astley<3 (NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP! NEVER GONNA LET YOU DOWN! NEVER GONNA RUN AROUND AND DESERT YOU! NEVER GONNA MAKE YOU CRY! NEVER GONNA SAY GOODBYE! NEVER GONNA TELL A LIE AND HURT YOU!) <_<... >_>... - u- Gotta love that song c: (I prefer 'light out' but eh...) Man... I want a muffin ; n; A blueberry muffin. ;l Or pancakes. Pancakes would be good, too. o: ~has a thought~ Tomorrow's Saturday... emotion_dowant Pancakes!~<3 Welp, Angel (ma puppy<3) is on my bed looking at me like, "b***h, get yo a** over here and cuddle me... <_<" So... I should go >u< Night Special buddy!<3
Teehee, Crystal. emotion_c8
My name's Crystal, and I..."Hi Crystal..."I post and run, so quote me niglets o: Also, if I tip you, you made me laugh. cx
Call Me Rtie o 3o · Sat May 05, 2012 @ 10:19am · 0 Comments |