All my messages are going to be like this from now on.
Small and in Slate Blue.
Because I can.
H e m P · Wed Nov 29, 2006 @ 01:16pm · 0 Comments |
I must be doing something right!
I got FOUR guild invites today.
How super!
I am yay!
H e m P · Tue Nov 28, 2006 @ 09:28pm · 0 Comments |

YAYAYAYAY for GD Stripper she is so nice. <3
H e m P · Sun Nov 26, 2006 @ 06:16pm · 0 Comments |
 God's Window, Blyde River Canyon, South Africa. Most beautiful place on the planet.
H e m P · Fri Nov 17, 2006 @ 03:33am · 0 Comments |
How can 390 000 people be so DUMB? |
From: http://uk.news.yahoo.com/16112006/140/pair-use-force-jedi-religion.html
This is Umada and Yunyun's letter to the UN Association: To whom it may concern, For the last ten years the United Nations has marked today as the International Day of Tolerance. While we support this important work, we feel the UN needs to move with the times. In the 2001 UK census, 390,000 people identified themselves as Jedi Knights, making us the fourth largest religion in the country. We have a proud heritage dating back 195,000 years to our first Jedi, the blue haired, blue eyed Kaja Sinis, who was born on Coruscant. Like the United Nations, the Jedi Knights are peacekeepers, and we feel we have the basic right to express our religion through wearing our robes, and to be recognised by the national and international community. We therefore call upon you to change the 16th November to the United Nations Interstellar Day of Tolerance, to reflect the religious make-up of our twenty-first century civilization. Tolerance is about respecting difference where ever it lies, including other galaxies. Please don't exclude us from your important work. May the Force be with you.
Look how cleverly I used the best Daily Mirror headline ever. sweatdrop
H e m P · Thu Nov 16, 2006 @ 06:00pm · 0 Comments |

It's not by anyone on GAIA, so there is no profile. Sorries.
H e m P · Mon Nov 13, 2006 @ 08:14pm · 0 Comments |
H e m P · Mon Nov 13, 2006 @ 08:12pm · 2 Comments |
Sammy - CHAT IS FIXED says: Oh stab his FACE with a SHOVEL so tell me more, Captain Hedgehog, about the day you saved the hedgehog.
" X-men? Don't you have any other foreplay games?" says: ok well, me and alex were walking home with our mouths stuffed with weird sweets, when some chavs from our school came up behind us
Sammy - CHAT IS FIXED says: Oman chavs
" X-men? Don't you have any other foreplay games?" says: yeah, well, anyway they were walkin' all cool yo, and one of them spotted alex and me. he was "urrr! It's fatty and ringo!" (me being ringo, alex being fatty)
Sammy - CHAT IS FIXED says: Alex isn't fat.
" X-men? Don't you have any other foreplay games?" says: and the others were going "URRR! SInce when were the beatles back!" (yea i know, but he's bigger than most boys, so everyone thinks he is. Tell him that will you?)
Sammy - CHAT IS FIXED says: Okay, I will. But go on.
" X-men? Don't you have any other foreplay games?" says: ok, and I was like "well, actually, they haven't gone away They'll have a far longer lasting effect on the world than any of the s**t you listen to."
Sammy - CHAT IS FIXED says: xD
" X-men? Don't you have any other foreplay games?" says: then they get pissed, and you know chavs when they're pissed That's right They get angry and throw soft berries at you! OH NOES!
Sammy - CHAT IS FIXED says: OH NOES D: tragic
" X-men? Don't you have any other foreplay games?" says: Well, me and Alex ignored them, partly because they were just being pathetic, and partly because our hair acts as super amazing berry shields, when we came across this li'l hedgie on the side of the road. At first we were like "awwwww!" but then we heard the chavs coming and were like " ! The chavs will kick it's prickly little head in!" We decided that we'd pick it up using our school jumpers, but there wasn't enough time because the chavs were getting closer.
" X-men? Don't you have any other foreplay games?" says: I had to scoop it up really quickly from underneath before it turned into a ball. my dog has fleas.
Sammy - CHAT IS FIXED says: oriteokay
" X-men? Don't you have any other foreplay games?" says: anyway, it tightened round my fingers, and it prickled me a bit, but we managed to hop in a panicked fashion to the nearest safe place we could find: A graveyard (dismal, I know) There we hid the hedgie, and carried on walking.
Sammy - CHAT IS FIXED says: Awwie !
" X-men? Don't you have any other foreplay games?" says: The chavs went away pretty much straight away, but then this weird man came and gave me a look like " Did you just kill a hedgehog?!?!" but we kept own walkin'.
Sammy - CHAT IS FIXED says: Good job.
" X-men? Don't you have any other foreplay games?" says: and there's our fantastic story.
Sammy - CHAT IS FIXED says: SUPER! I love you. <3
H e m P · Mon Nov 13, 2006 @ 07:20pm · 0 Comments |
 By Secret Police Semi-Colon again!
It's Ghost Cat, myself and two girls I don't know, lol.
At least, I think it is!
H e m P · Sun Nov 12, 2006 @ 05:41pm · 2 Comments |