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Jakes stuff yo!
Um...I'm gonna write about stuff
Kai and Phoenix were both born already belonging to darkness. It was around their 5th birthday they met. Both had been able to summon keyblades by age three, and King Mickey figured they would be perfect to help fight off darkness. Over time, darkness started to show through. Phoenix was quite, and never seemed to act out. Kai was more in touch with his darkness, and always got in trouble. People started to worry about both. If their darkness was released, they'd be more powerful then King Mickey or any other warrior alive. They main mistake was made when they were both 10 years of age. Kai and Phoenix were forbidden to see the Cornerstone of Light, in fear their hidden powers could weaken and corrupt the stone. Kai and Phoenix got tired of being treated differently, and decided they'd just sneak out at night and see it then. They reached the chamber, but soon were discovered. They tried to run, but Phoenix bumped into the Cornerstone. The stone weakened, and the stand holding it cracked. The stone rolled off, and hit the ground, making a loud crash that resonated throughout the castle. The keybearer that discovered them was wrongly punished for the children's acts, for you see, Kai and Phoenix slipped away unnoticed. The keybearer was exiled, and swore revenge on the two boys. Several months later, Kai went to the section of the castle where Phoenix and his parents lived. He found Phoenix's parents dead, and the exiled keybearer standing over their bodies.
"Wha...what did you do?" Kai exclaimed.

The warrior only laughed as he left Kai there alone with the dead. Kai summoned his keyblade, and tried to follow the warrior, but the keybearer had escaped through a dark portal. It was then Phoenix walked in.

"Kai.....what did you do?! Why Kai?!" Phoenix screamed as he summoned his own keyblade.

"It wasn't me! It was another..." Kai started.

"Liar! It was you!" Phoenix felt a strange energy pulse through him. He held his hand out, and a dark portal appeared beneath Kai. Kai fell through.

Kai faced many heartless in the dark world Phoenix had sent him to, but failed, and lost his heart.

When Phoenix was found, he was crying in the corner, and couldn't remember anything. He felt a sudden hate towards keybearers, even though he couldn't remember the previous events.

Years passed, and Phoenix chose to follow his darkness, while Kai suffered for three years.

When Kai regained his body and heart, he trained for 4 years, vowing to surpass anyone, and to defeat someone named Phoenix, from a past he couldn't remember....

(Lolz, I know, it's stupid, but I WAS REALLY BORED!"

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