boys suck i hate them because they hurt you and dont care. they only think of themselves. they can say they love you when they really dont. or they can act like they do and not ever say it. and all they seem to want is to get into your pants. no not even that its more like "gee i wonder what i can stick my d**k in today? a girl would be nice but seeing how i dont have one handy ill just use this donut"... or some other item.
Why doesnt he love me back? he said he did but we all know he was lying-at least to some extent. im not really sure how much. What does she have that i dont? even if he doesnt want me back and doesnt like me, even if it will never work out between us, even if i give up on him and become totally apathetic tward him... he still needs to give up on her. she doesnt love him and probably wont. she told me so, she also said if they did have a relationship she would just use him and that was her plan when they were together before (which only lasted a day) She really like this collage guy instead, i would say she loves the dude. And even though theyre going through a rough patch I think they will get married someday.
I really want to tell the guy who doesnt love me this. but im too much of a wimp. I just want to go up to him and scream "I LOVE YOU. SHE DOESNT AND SHE NEVER WILL! HOW DO I KNOW? SHE TOLD ME! SHE TOLD YOU TOO. LOADS OF TIMES YOU CONFESSED YOUR LOVE AND BEEN REJECTED! WHY DO YOU CONTINUE TO CHASE SOMTHING THAT WILL NEVER BE YOURS?" but that would really hurt him and i dont think he would ever recover from the blatant truth. even though shes told both of us and her boyfriend and anyone who gets involved in our love pentegram (im gonna explain the other point in a minute) that she doesnt love him, he just wont give up. but there still could be a chance she does love him. and i dont want to crush his dreams if they actually do have a chance. i want him to be happy but obsessing over her isnt making him happy.
1 point one of the pentagram is MR A. MR A hates MR C and dislikes MR D. MR A is MISS B's boyfriend. 2 point two is MISS B. MISS B and MR A are most likely in love with each other. MISS B is courted by MR C and MR D who, to my knowledge she only thins of as friends. MISS B thinks MISS E hates her 3 point three is MR C. MR C loves MISS B but MISS B doesnt love him back. MR C is MR D's best friend and they are very close. also MR C is MISS E's ex-boyfriend. 4 point four is MR D. MR D is MR C's best friend. i am unsure about MR D's current feelings twards MISS B but he most likely loves her as well. also MR D is MISS E's current boyfriend. 5 point five is me, MISS E. MISS E loves MR C and has a mild crush on MR D. MISS E likes MISS B and doesnt blame her for anything. MISS E thinks MR A is her friend.
why cant things just be simple? they used to seem that way before i knew he loved her instead.
akuma-sono · Sun Dec 14, 2008 @ 06:53am · 0 Comments |