-Username Yipi
Name: Naki
Guild: Sexic Rogues
Weapons:A composite long bow with a complex pulley and cam system that greatly increases the flight speed of the arrows fired from it . Also this weapon is imbued with the electric property enabling faster arrow flight.(this is turned on by a somatic gesture)
Specialties:Extreme Marksmanship and Eagle Vision, agile.
Background:... Hired Marksman, Enthusiastic and Giltzy
Appearence: The RO sniper with pink hair and outfit ....with Angelwings ...(a headband with wings)
Templars Guild:
Guild Master:
Username Ryushi6
Name: Christopher Angelo
Race:blessed human
Weapons: Sword
Specialties:Benidecticy (polor opposite to necromancer...benadecta means holy in latin so...
weapons: Charm...holy talismens and his sword known as The Angelo, a sword passed down in his family for genorations.
Background: Christopher is the youngest son of the leader of the templars John. Always looked down uppon by his elder brother Michel he leard to succed in other things. first of all every one expected everything from michel and so he became the star foucusing only on improving stratigy and melle combat. thus Christopher diced to exell in things his older brother dident for attention. such as Benidecy and courting...he became extremle skilled at both. so much so that he could preform the hardeest of rituals with ease and sweep any woman off of her feet...but noone noticed...no one cared. being optamistic Christopher picked up the sword in opposition to his brothers golden stalf known as the templar...Christopher became as skilled at the sword as michel was at the stalf..this gave Christopher great joy...untill his father scorend him for it...but keeping his optamisiam high he coninued on scouting the new world...or at least the new world to his famaly..that is when he came to be intangled witht he problems that plagued so many
