renkinjutsushi's Journal |
Hrm, wotever. |
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Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 @ 03:39am
The Pit of Voles (Random Rantage)
People on FF.N The Pit of Voles confuse me.
Maybe I'm not a clear writer or something, but I thought it was obvious who was with who in Warped Mirrors. Someone posted a review, on chapter *12*, asking for me to clear up which sibling went with which.
Um... huh?
HOW did you get that far into the story and not figure it out? There's only *three* "Edwards" and *three* "Alphonses!" While that might seem a bit confusing, let me point out that one set is female and has different names ... Edana and Alanza. So that just leaves two Edwards and two Alphonses. One set is the "original" set, and the others are switched ... aka Alphonse has the automail and Edward is bound to the armor.
When I write interactions with the automail!Alphonse, I always make sure to refer to things he's doing ... eating, running a hand through his hair, shrugging out of a coat ... that the armor!Alphonse CAN'T DO. Apparently, this is too subtle for people.
*flails and mashes head into screen* MAKE SENSE, DAMN YOU!
I have gotten some reviews that amuse me. The "Edana is *so* Edward" one cracks me up because, hey, that's the point. And the same person reviewed a later chapter with something like "That's Ed, outsmarting himself." At least SOMEONE gets it.
*sighs* Well, they'll get things cleared up soon, because after a few chapters of madness staying in one location, all three sets split up to follow leads. It's just ... AUGH. Irritation. *makes sure to make things DOUBLY clear in the revision*
Posted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 @ 09:32pm
Warped Mirrors
Yay for cracked-out fanfic?
Warped Mirrors was an idea I got after paging through my baby name book. That, plus a random curiousity... how *would* the characters act if just a handful of things were changed? I came up with some AUs, then stuck the AU Elric-Kyoudai into the regular canon. It makes for some strange insanity, that's for damn sure.
So, in this story, we have regular Edward and Alphonse, mostly anime-canon. Then we have the "backwards" Elric-kyoudai, where it is Edward bound to the armor and Alphonse with the automail (but their ages are still the same). And then there's the 'mirrored' Elric-kyoudai ... which it's Ed and Al, only as girls.
*snickers* It's really very funny to watch them all flail about, because they all have identical personalities. When Armstrong's sister got ahold of Edana (which is a really name, too, Irish) and put her in a pink dress, she flipped the hell out and it was glorious. Especially when the guys laughed at her. She got her revenge, too. It involved vinegar instead of water. *coughs*
But I'm have lots of fun with this, and I need to write a lot more. Sadly, I've got to go to work, like *now*. Erk. Two days off, thou'~.
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