Splurts Of The ******** Day. <3 |
Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2005 @ 07:38pm
Hurray For Get Aways!
I got to go to a punk show in Lacombe last night. I was so happy to get away from everyone... and see everyone else whom I've missed SO [/******** much!
I heart them all... Steve, T.J., Rita, Lance, Tommy, Graham, Ron, Matt, Joel, Beth, Aaron... holy wow. Ooh.. and miss Caty and miss Liz.. for being so wonderful and taking me with them.
It's so nice to be with these people. They're so honest. Everything they say makes sense to me and I don't have to worry about impressing them. Plus.. they give HUGS. All the bloody time. (:
T.J called me his "goodness". O__O;; I had a great talk with him about things that are going on.. and I feel like I can go on, now.
It's weird.
But yeah. Hurray for get aways! Because I got away.. from everyone here that's bothered me. Katy and Liz are a couple of the very select few who don't judge me here.. who don't pick on everything that's wrong with me and make it obvious that I need help.
So I must say I had a pretty good time.. other than the fact that the bands were hard to see because they were ground level... but whatever. I got another t-shirt. So POO on you.
Edit---> The whole entire night, there was this boy who kept checking me out. Even Caty noticed it. And we were just about to go up to him and introduce me, when his girlfriend ran up to him and kissed him. O_________O;; But that's okay. They looked happy, for the most part. LOL. I must say, though, that one time we were sitting in the hallway on the floor. When I was talking, he was across the hall and a little way down.. and kept looking at me. It was almost as if I was talking to him. We made eye contact so many times. <3 It was nice.
Community Member
Community Member
Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2005 @ 03:41am
H'okay. Some kid on my bus totally ruined my good mood.
I came on the bus, like I ALWAYS do, and he was coming off. Anyways. He was in my way and I asked him to move. Nicely, ish, I thought. Well, as nice as I could be talking to him. *glare* THEN, he said: "Move b***h."
This kid is maybe... 12 ******** years old? So I snapped. He kinda pushed me out of his way a bit, so I side checked him right into the ******** seat. HAH! I thought I was done.
But no.
Then he came out and called me a "b***h".. again. Obviously this kid doesn't have very much experience with calling people names...
Because I continued walking, but I turned around... right in his face and said, "shut the ******** up you little p***k."
Hehe. He then, called me a "[******** wanna be".. So as I was walking, I made it to my seat. Put my books down and looked at him again. I said, "why don't you just grow up you c**k faced mother ********]?"
He sat down.
And never looked at me again.