This is just a random skit I made based off the song Alice of Human Sacrifice.
A small sketch ~ Alice of Human Sacrifice
Characters~ Little Child (male or female) Mom/Dad (male or female) Red Alice (Female) Blue Alice (Male can be female I guess *shrugs*) Green Alice (Female) Siblings- (Female/Male Twins) Sibling 1 (Female) Sibling 2 (Male)
Child: (mom/dad) it's halloween night, I want to hear a story, and make it a scary one please.
Mom/Dad: But if I tell you a scary story you'll have bad dreams.
Child: Bad dreams don't scare me anymore
Mom/Dad: *Laughs slightly* Oh really?
Child: Really, I;m a big kid now so bad dreams don't scare me.
Mom/Dad: Alright then I'll tell you a story that's been handed down in the family for generations.
Child: Yey! What's it called?
Mom/Dad: It's called The Alice of Human Sacrifice.
*Alice's come out as Mom/Dad says the above line, Mom/Dad's lips keep moving like their telling the story and child is looking at them but the Alice's speak instead of Child and Mom/Dad and Mom/Dad take Child's hand leading them out of view like they were taking them to bed*
Red Alice: There was once a little dream.
Blue Alice: No one knows who had dreamt it. It was really such a small dream.
Green Alice: This made the little dream think... "I don't want to dissapper... How can I make people dream me?"
Sibling 1: The little dream thought and thought and at last it had an idea.
Sibling 2: "I will make people come to me, *Pause* and they will make my world."
*Evil smirks from cast as song begins and all Alice's except Red Alice go to back of stage and/or going out of view*
Red Alice: *singing* The first Alice was a gallant red one, wielding a sword in hand in the wonderland, slicing down everything in her way, she was followed by a bloody red path, this new Alice deep in the woods, was trapped as a wanted fugitive, if it weren't for the red path that she made, No one would think that she even existed.
Blue Alice: *singing* The second Alice was a fragile blue one, he/she sang to the world in the wonderland, filling regions with so many false created notes, that were of a crazy blue world, this new Alice was that of a rose, he/she was shot and killed by a mad man, it left a flower blooming sadly red, the one who was loved was now forgotten.
Green Alice: *singing* The third Alice was little green one, very cute and dear in the wonderland, she charmed people to her every beck and call, she had made a strange green country, this new Alice was the country's queen, taken over by a distorted dream, she was afraid of losing to death, she would forever rule her country.
Siblings: (1=female, 2=male, 1+2= both at same time) 1: During this two children went into the woods. 2: They had a tea party under the rose trees. 1: An invitation from the castle for them was 2: The trump card, 1+2: of hearts *siblings hold up a poster picture of a Ace of hearts card* 1+2: The fourth Alice was two siblings, their curiousity in the wonderland, going through many diffrent doors, coming not too long ago in a yellow boat, 1: The stubborn big sister 2: and smart little brother 1: Though they were the closest to 1+2: Alice's Wonderland... *Red Alice walks up behind them and stabs them so they fall dead (acting! not really hitting them!)* 1+2: They were never woken from their deep dreaming, forever they wandered in the wonderland. *All Alice's hide from view before the Mom/Dad and Child come back out*
Mom/Dad: So are you sure you'll be okay tonight? No bad dreams?
Child: I told you mom/dad I'm a big kid and bad dreams don't scare big kids.
Mom/Dad: Alright as long as your sure, goodnight.
Child: Goodnight.
*Child falls asleep and the ending song plays and the Alice's come back out smirking and the stand behind the child and hold a sign saying "Who will be the next Alice?" and a blood red arrow pointing at the sleeping child*
Suggestions welcome