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I wrote this little short story a little while ago for English class. The assingment was to simply use a comma, ellipses, colon, and semicolon in a paragraph, but as you can see I went all out. It's odd, I know, but hey, it's my style.

"Jimmy! Hurry! Wake up!"
"Huh? What? Go away..."
"I mean it! They're coming!"
The man named Jimmy slowly sat up and rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He put his arm around his visible distressed sister, trying to quietly calm her. She pushed him away and briskly donned a leather jacket, then yanked open the front door.
"They're coming, Jimmy. Soon. I'm getting out of here - I suggest you do the same."
Jimmy laughed, a loud, scorning laugh.
"You're off your rocker, sis. Tell me, what's coming? The Boogey Man? The Sasquatch?"
She shot him a disgusted look and marched out the door, starting her car via a remote control on her keychain. She checked all her essentials were there: Her gun, cell phone, her spare shoe. All were there. She then slammed her foot on the gas pedal and drove off in a frenzy; she almost hit a runaway clam.
Jimmy sat back on his couch and turned on the TV. The morning news was on, and he was about to change the channel when he noticed something. The newscaster was acting...different. Instead of her usual nasal drone and crisp, clean hair, she was ragged. Her suit was ripped and crumpled in many areas, and her face was bloodied from numerous scratches. The video feed of her was focusing in and out, and sometimes was intervened by static. The audio was blocky and almost inaudible, although Jimmy could catch some small snippets.
"There's so many of them...coming from all around...We're all going to die, unless something happens soon..."
Then, in a spontaneous flash of grey, she disappeared, her microphone tumbling to the ground. Then all visual was gone.
Suddenly, Jimmy heard a hard thump against his front door. He wearily stood up, shuffled over, and peered through the peephole. All he could see was a mass of grey. He opened the door slowly. All of a sudden, he went flying backwards and slammed into a desk. He looked up at his assailant and was shocked to see a large dolphin weilding oversized toenail clippers standing in the doorway.
"What...who...are you?" stammered Jimmy.
"Me?" replied the dolphin in a deep baritone voice. "I am Snarquack, leader of my dolphin army. We have come to stamp out our human oppressors, who have kept us jailed and forced us to do tricks for money. That humiliation is now at an end. You, dear sir, are but one of the first kills of our large scale attack."
"What? You playing a joke on me? Get out of that suit, Greg. It's not funny-"
Jimmy was suddenly cut off by a blast of pressurized blowhole water. The dolphin stormed in, weilding its toenail clippers with expert presicion. The last image Jimmy ever saw was the gleeful look of a dolphin's revenge.

New poems to add to my reparetoire! (not sure if I spelled that right)
I made these up earlier this year, and only now have I actually remembered them...

Hey, look at that guy!
His head is a cherry pie.
Let us go beat him,
Then we shall eat him,
And if anyone asks we'll lie.

Hey, look at that tree!
What a strange thing to see.
But as I look closer,
Oh! It's a toaster!
Heh, how silly of me...

Mr. Pie Man
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Mr. Pie Man
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