Turhapaikka. |
It's a journal, yes that it is, at least so I think. o.o;; |
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Posted: Tue Aug 23, 2005 @ 11:59am
Posted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 @ 10:29pm
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Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2005 @ 08:59pm
Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2005 @ 08:55pm
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Posted: Sat Apr 09, 2005 @ 09:54pm
Talkie talk.
Time goes so fast by all the time. I feel like I can't totally enjoy any moment anymore. Like I can't get into some moment so well. Part of me is always somewhere else. Seconds go, hours go, days go, moments go, time goes. And I feel like nothing is left in my hands. Where does all the time go and what do I do since I feel like nothing has happened and 4 weeks has gone? Is my life boring? No I don't think so, I find my life enough amusing. Every moment has something nice or sad or something else in it. But that's it. Little things get lost among thousands of other little things. Little things make your day but big things make your life I think.
It's my testweek going on. Finals for this period. Half of the tests have gone bad already and I'm just trying to do better for the rest of the tests. And next period, the last period of this year starts soon. And it's going to be just like this one was. Everyday from eight to four. Except for monday it's from eight to three because in P.E. the one hour lesson isn't kept only the double lessons are kept. Well my choice, I really need to get this one math course away from next year since I have so many courses that I want to complete.
Now to soccer. So to those who don't know I play in the first division of B-aged girls. Our team is really large so we are actually playing two series at the same time. And our team just doesn't have team spirit. Like there would three or two or more teams in on team. And it sucks. And it shows in our game. Today we had our first game of first division. It was out already and it was just really cold. I barely could even move my hand afterwards. And the whole game sucked. We sucked. The middle field didn't play well at all, I could even say that there even wasn't any middle field at all. The defense sucked because there game few players that haven't been in practises for a long time and it just got spread out since the middle field didn't do it's job. And then attack, it just wasn't enoug powerful and they pretty much didn't want the ball there. That game had no feeling no fun no anything in it except annoyingness and hatred. I got a yellow card. I don't feel bad for it. Only wishing I had hurt the player more. Really that player so got on my nerves. Like she comes there in these normal pants keeps her hands in the pockets, has chewing gum in her mouth, she complains how she isn't able to run anymore, she sits on the ground, she giggles with her friend while whispering into her ear. Really. We go there 3 hours with a bus to play a game and then there is someone acting like that. I just felt like I could push her in the ground and jump on her. But I'm not that violent after all, I just have violent thoughts at times. And then in our team there is some persons who think they are perfect and you can't say anything to them about their mistakes without having them trying to stab your back with a knife. D:
Lately I haven't felt like spending so much time on the computer. I just have been lacking good conversations to keep me here. And the testweek too of course. I really miss some conversations and the connection what I have had with some persons at times. And I pretty much feel like it's my fault that we're not able to talk like that anymore. Like it would be me who ruins everything. This probably isn't true, but that just is how I'm. I don't like blaming anyone else of things. Or speaking bad about anyone. I need to be really annoyed by something or someone before I say single bad word about them. At least most of the time it's like that, there is some exceptions of course. And really I feel uncomfortable if someone is saying not so nice things about someone else even that in some cases I even agree with them but really it just makes me feel so uncomfortable.
I haven't had much time to thought about myself like I did before when I had time. I was pretty down at that time even cried few times because I just felt so bad. My feelings and emotions were going up and down and changing from a snap. I just was really confused. Like I would be a liquid with thoughts floating around, scattered in pieces not making anything whole. And there in the middle would some sort of mood nerve and when sad thought hits it I'm sad and when happy thought I'm happy. At the time there just was a lot sad thoughts. Now I just have been too busy to have thoughts but we will see where it will go when I have time again. And that's after the testweek is over.
Does anyone ever even read my journal?
Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2005 @ 05:40pm
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Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 @ 05:38pm