“Miguel? Miguel?” I opened my eyes. As I stared at the faces starring down at me, I took my first deep breath. Then, a sudden burst inside me made me jump up and Back up until my back collided with a hard cold surface. I turned around unsure of what was going on and saw a huge shining container of some kind. Small iridescent bubbles bolted around inside of it.
“Miguel! Please calm down!” I swerved around to where the voice came from. A creature with 4 limbs and a white covering was standing in front of all the others. It’s eyes seemed filled with water more than the rest. I didn’t understand what it wanted or if it was even talking to me. I looked around the room with the strangest feeling in me. Many large gray blocks were placed all around and various lights flashed on and off. Lots of containers like the first one were scattered about as well.
“Miguel!” I re-directed my attention to the creature. I turned and saw no one beside me. It was talking to me but what for? I observed the creature some more. It had lots of hair coming down from the top of its head. The hair swerved and curled at the shoulders. It was rather short. Something on the front of its head was placed there as well. Two flat and square things connected by a small bridge were resting on its nose. Its eyes were big and hazel colored.
“Miguel…” I flinched as it spoke. Its voice was sweet but loud. It took a step forward. Instinctively, I stepped back.
“Mariatta, let me handle this,” said yet a different creature. The short creature turned to the other.
“But… He’s so frightened… we should try to calm him before we do anything rash, Jarvis!”
“You’ve given him his chances! Let me take care of this!” I looked at the scene. The shorter one stepped back as the other took a step forward. This creature was much different. It was tall and it seemed MUCH larger then the other. Its hair was much shorter and seemed a lot more faded than the other’s. It wore no squares on its nose and its eyes were small and round.
“Drop it!” he boomed in a voice that made my body shake. A thin creature from the back pulled down a stick on one of the gray cubes. A loud rattling could be heard echoing throughout the room. The feeling that I’d felt before surged up again and I darted around the room only to end up colliding with walls, cubes, and containers. Then, the loud rattling stopped and an eerie screech rang through the room. My head started pounding as the sound forced me down to the floor. It continued but soon was drowned out by the constant throbbing in my ears. The screech slowly turned to a high-pitched whine. I glared at the torturous creatures that had created this terrible sound. Then, I completely black out.
Slowly, I opened my eyes.
“Ah, you’re awake.” I felt so wiped out that I didn’t even react to the sound. I slowly propped myself up on my elbows. I looked around. This room was different in terms of feel and looks. The air was musky and damp and the ceiling dripped. The room was covered in cobwebs and wasn’t much larger then me. I tried to stand but my head hit the ceiling. I stooped down a bit as I felt something crawl across my foot. I observed it and was ready to sprint but I noticed that the something looked nothing like the other fleshy creatures. This one wasn’t even the size of the tip of my finger. It was black and glossy and instead of having four limbs, it had eight. It scurried away into one of the cobwebs.
“Miguel?” I turned to the voice that seemed so familiar. The short fleshy creature stood there holding something.
“Miguel, how do you feel?” it asked. Feel? How do I feel? What could that mean? I stared at it as it stared back.
“Miguel? Do you understand me?” it asked this time. Understand? Well yeah I understand but… What do you want? It paused for a moment then continued.
“Miguel. My name is Mariatta. I’m here to help you get used to life. Miguel, can you speak?” Speak? Speak? Is that what she calls making noise? I didn’t understand what she was asking.
“Try to make a sound. Noise with your mouth,” it said calmly and patiently. With my mouth? I guess I could try but… I opened my mouth but no sound came. I tried again and managed to make a small squeak. The squeak startled me enough so that I shut my mouth tight. When I saw the creature’s mouth turn into a smile, I tried again.
“Ehhhh...” I croaked.
“Good! Keep going!” It ordered.
“M… Miguel… Miguel,” I finally stuttered.
“That’s awesome! Miguel. That’s right. Your name is Miguel.”
“Miguel… Miguel… My… name…is… Miguel…”
“Good. Now I’ll ask you some questions” Questions? What kind of questions?
“Ok, Miguel, can you count to ten?” It asks. Ten? Yeah, I can. I paused for a second.
“One… Two… Three…” I started. I glanced at it. It smiled back. She listened intently until I’d finally counted to ten.
“Excellent Miguel,” she said happily.
“It means good or you did great.”
“?” She looked at me. “Miguel, how do you feel right now?” That question again? Feel… feel… how do I feel…?
“Indifferent,” I stated.
“Indifferent? Is that so?” I nodded.
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Electra's Adventures ^-^
I like to write about whatever happens...
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