the wind blowin back and forth cherry blossoms fall and fly to cover meh from the hate and pain this world has i lay there lettin them cover me people walk past they dont even see me i get coverd even more more people walk past still no1 noetices black comes into vision its like im bein taken away whispers come to meh they say no1 cares about me i would be great for the king i scream they pull me more the world i left becomes a mirror blackness swoles me up the king mets me and makes a deal i will go back for a day if no1 cares that im gone then i will haveta stay here forever as his queen the let me go back to the world i was born into someone notice meh!! many people walk past no1 looks or talks the sun sets i scream its time to go the blossomes pull me away i start seein black again goodbye earth the fram or the mirror shows i see a arm come to vision cherryblossoms pull me more i reach out the arm it grabs me pulls meh bback to the world i cant tell who it is is it u? i kiss u thank u for gettin meh xp wink xd x)