Just me blahing, wondering stuff... I'll probably ponder on what it would be like to be a dust partical floating in the air... or how to draw those dust particals into my drawings...
joseph arthur -in the sun I picture you in the sun wondering what went wrong And falling down on your knees asking for sympathy And being caught in between all you wish for and all you seen And trying to find anything you can feel that you can believe in
May gods love be with you Always May gods love be with you
I know I would apologize if I could see your eyes cause when you showed me myself I became someone else But I was caught in between all you wish for and all you need I picture you fast asleep A nightmare comes You cant keep awake
May gods love be with you Always May gods love be with you
cause if I find If I find my own way How much will I find If I find If I find my own way How much will I find You
I dont know anymore What its for Im not even sure If there is anyone who is in the sun Will you help me to understand cause I been caught in between all I wish for and all I need Maybe youre not even sure what its for Any more than me
May gods love be with you Always May gods love be with you
things to do today: report monologue byu community service find uni test games dl limewire dl music
Posted: Sat Jan 20, 2007 @ 07:57am
i hate emoticons, it's time for them to be retired. they were cute for a while, but now they aren't. I've grown to hate actions in asteriks marks *throws a fit.* see how annoying that is? *points it out* sad i do, however like cookies, and i like warms socks, and praise.
Not cinnimoned, no mermaid finn, no pink sarong, nore a thong and anywhere and
here or there.
Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 @ 05:45pm
OMG i saw this squirl and he was trying to cross the street and he didn't get hit so i was like whee!
...when you're a little kid and you wanna go WHHEEE but u ain't got drugs yet... you hold on for your life. you hold on to your little gonads and strife. whee
3= and whee 3= and whee 3= and whee
3= in the lightning, in the lightning 3= in the rain.