Do you want to know what happens when you f*ck up a quiz on chatterbox?
~ General ~
1) Haii, how are you today? meh...not bad I guess.
2) Are you a boy or a girl? Boy
3) What's your name/nickname? Leo is my nickname.
4) Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? have saddened me :'(
5) How old are you? 13
6) What time is it where you live?in the morning
7) What country do you live in?North America
8 ) What's your favorite color?Purple
9) Why?cause it's awesome.
10) What's your favorite food? I am a critic,and I haven't found a favoraite food.though allot came close.
11) What's your least favorite food?Tomatoes.
12) What is one thing you couldn't live without? my head.I'd die without it
13) Do you have any stuffed animals? I have a gigantic pile of them.
14) What grade are you in? 7th
15) What grade do you wish you were in?college.the last day after my doctorate in writing.
16) Do you have siblings? yeah.
17) Do you get on the computer often? the last time the computer router went out,I seriously thought of suicide.
18 ) Do you like music?if it is gay emo music or country,then no I do not.
19) Do you watch a lot of television? kind of.only when I'm not on the computer.
20) Do you like anime? no.
21) If so, which one(s)? If not, bump here. uhhhhh...bump?
22) Post your favorite anime 10 times, or your ten favorite animes, in separate posts. (If not, bump again.) Bump.
23) What's your favorite anime pairing? If none, bump. SHIKAXTEMA 4 EVA!
~ Gaia ~
24) Is your Gaian a girl or a boy? Boy
25) How much gold do you want to earn from this quiz?10,000
26) How much gold do you already have? 3000
27) Are you saving up some gold for anything specific?yeah
28 ) If so, what? If not, bump. A Top Hat
29) Is this quiz helping out so far? I guess :l
30) Haha, how about now? no.
31) How do you usually earn gold?I'm a card shark
32) Do you have any dream avatars? no.
33) Do you think you'll ever get that dream avatar? I don't have one, so probably not.
34) How long have you been using Gaia?3 weeks (noob)
35) Do you get on Gaia much? I am a newgrounder mostly,and I go to gaia allot to.
36) Do you actually enjoy Gaia, or do you only get on when you've got nothing to do? I like it.
37) How many friends do you have on Gaia? 2
38 ) Do you remember how you found Gaia? yes.
39) Do you ever visit the forums?yes
40) Do you visit the forums OFTEN? Hells yeah!
41) Have you ever done a quiz on Gaia before? no.
42) Have you ever made a quiz on Gaia before? no.
43) Are you in any guilds? no! stop asking so many gaia related questions!
44) If so, do you use the guild(s)? If not, bump. Bump!
45) Do you have a shop?no...
46) What's your favorite game on Gaia? BlackJack and pinball.
47) Do you ever go to Gaia Towns? is really friggin' boring.
48 ) How much gold do you have now? uhhhh...heh,nothing yet.(wonders why.)
~ Have you ever...~
49) Drank? yep.
50) Sprayed soda, water, milk, etc.... out of your nose? yeah.I'm contagious laugher to,so when it does happen,EVERYONE else will to!
51) Drank rotten milk?no.
52) Smoked? no.Smoking for A-holes.
53) Skipped a day of school without anyone knowing? allot of times.
54) Made yourself puke so you wouldn't have to go to school? no.whenever I try it doesn't work> sad
55) Went to school/ work drunk?no.
56) Been in detention? 2 times.I am a great persuader.
57) Splurged on an item you just HAD to have?I am just about to.
58 ) Went into a really expensive store and be blown away by the prices?who hasn't?
59) Wanted something you couldn't have?yes...
60) Played poker with money? hmmm...actually in all my time of poker,I haven't played with any real money!WTF?
61) Walked in the rain without an umbrella?yes
62) Danced in the rain?yes.
63) Been on stage?yes.
64) Been embarrassed by someone in your family?yes.
65) Won a pool game? yes.this is now a rain of yeses.
66) Been on a plane? yes.
67) Been on a ship?yes
68 ) Been on a train?yes.
69) Sung in the shower?yes >:l
70) Had a water gun war?yes >:I
71) Threatened someone with a water gun? YES D:<
~ Random ~
72) Are you bored yet?no.I am good with quizzes.
73) How much gold do you have now? none...maybe somethings wrong.
74) What's your mood? tired.I just woke up.
75) Do you think you'll finish the quiz?yeah.
~ This or That ~
76) Chocolate or Vanilla?vanilla
77) Soda or milk?soda
78 ) Code Red or Limewire?CODE RED!
79) Coke or pepsi?Coke.pepsi is the gay-retarded half-sibling of coke
80) Soda or juice?soda
81) Candy or fruit?candy
82) Watermelon or strawberry?watermelon
83) Breakfast or dinner?dinner.or Brunch!
84) Food or beverage?beverage
85) Cake or pie? cake.fruits are just disgusting.
86) Rural or Urban?Urban
87) Eat or sleep?sleep.
88 ) Yes or no?no or yes?yes
89) PC games or video games?PC
90) Computer or TV?computer.
91) Holiday or "snow-day"? much relief of school.
92) Summer or Winter?Summer.
93) Spring or Fall?Fall
94) iPod or MP3 player? MP3
95) Gaia gold or Gaia items? Items.
96) DVD or VHS?VHS.if we all had VHS then my disk scratching problem would be over
97) Theater or home theater? Home Theater
98 ) Cats or dogs?Cats
99) Inside or outside?upside down.
100) Morning or night?night.I get to sleep.
101) Black or white? White
102) Love or money? Money
103) Clothes shopping or electronic shopping? electronic.
104) French or Italian?Italian.
105) English or American?American.THOSE LIMEY B*STERDS IN ENGLAND!
106) German or Oriental? GERMAN
107) Quizzes or polls? Polls
108 ) Items or money?Items
109) Boys or girls? Girls.
110) Friends or family? hmmm...tough one...well I have no friends so FAMILY.
111) Wrestling or boxing? wrestling
112) Basketball or football?Football.Basketball is the worst sport invented EVER.
113) Softball or baseball?baseball.I am actually really good at it.
114) Tennis or swimming?swimming.
115) Fat or thin?thin.
116) Short or tall? tall
117) Horror or fantasy? horror.
118 ) Comedy or drama?Comedy.
119) Rich or Poor?mid-way.
120) Rain or Snow? Rain
121) Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings? Lord of the rings.
122) Star Wars or Star Trek? Star-wars
123) Krispy Kreme or Dunkin Donuts?krispy creme
124) Sunny or Foggy?foggy
126) Movies or shows?Movies
127) TV or reading?reading
~ Do you like...~
128 ) Milk?yes.
129) Soda?yes,
130) Hot Topic?yes.good sales
131) Anchor Blue?no.
132) Pepsi?NO!
133) School?no.
134) Money?YES biggrin
135) Clothes?no.
136) Life? meh...yes.
137) Family?yes.
138 ) Friends?yes.
139) Marshmallows?yes
140) Homework?no
141) Cookies?yes
142) Cake frosting?no
143 Clowns?NOOOOOOOOOO! they're to scary...
144) Oranges?yes
145) Lemons?yes
146) Strawberries?no
147) Cantaloupe?no
148 )
149) Reading?yes
150) Swimming?yes
151) Television?yes
152) Cats?yes
153) Snakes?yes
154) Bugs?yes
155) Frogs?yes
156) Bedtimes?yes
157) Meat?yes
158 ) Vegetables?yes
159) Animals?yes
~ Do you...~
160) Wear glasses?yes
161) Wear contacts?no
161) Have braces?no
162) Smoke?no
163) Drink?no
164) Have piercings?yes
165) Want piercings?I want MORE.
166) If so, what kind? If not, bump.on my chin,or something.
167) Have tattoos?no
168 ) If so, what? If not, bump.BUMP
169) Play a sport?no
170) If so, which? If not, bump.BUMP
171) Have a Wii?yes
172) Super Nintendo?yes
173) GameCube?yes
174) X-Box?yes
176) Have any mangas?yeah.I used to like it.
177) If so, which? If not, bump.ShonenJUMP onepiece and naruto
178 ) Have any pets?yes
179) Have a cellphone?no
180) Have your own computer?yes
181) Have the "Christmas Spirit"?yes,but I have more HALLOWEEN SPIRIT.
182) Watch MTV or VH1?no
183) Believe in God?noy YOU'RE god.
184) Believe in Santa?yes.
~ More Random ninja ~
185) Are you enjoying this quiz, or the gold you're earning?I haven't...earned any...hmmm...I don't think I like this...
186) What is the worst movie you've ever seen?21
187) Why?because the only scary part of the movie is Friggin stupid!
188 ) Would you want to be a superhero?yes
189) If you could have any super power, what would it be? Only ONE please.the power to have all superpowers.
190) Who do you like best, Superman or Batman?batman.
191) Have I repeated any of these questions yet?yes.
192) What's your favorite emotion? whee :3
193) Post it 5 times in seperate posts. 3nodding K
194) What are your hobbies?Critiquing,drawing,and reading.
195) What's your mood right now?bad cause you repeated.
196) Am I being annoying?yes.
197) What kind or music do you like?Humercore
198 ) What's the worst thing you've ever ate?tomatoes.
199) What rating would you give my avvie? 0 > sad
~ Favorites ~
200) What's your favorite animal?cat.
201) Why?it is domestic.
202) What is your favorite movie?Zombieland
203) Why?It kicks as*
204) What's your favorite television show?How I met you're mother.
205) Why?It is LEGENDARY!
206) What's your favorite console?DS and playstation
207) Favorite game for it?POKEMON PEARL and BULLY
208 ) What's your favorite video game ever? broke :'(
209) Why?it...was the best...(sniff) ever...WAAAAAAAA!!
210) What's your favorite holiday?Halloween
211) Why?it is just Friggin' awesome!! I find myself in winter shouting out OMG 5567 hours till Halloween biggrin
212) What's your favorite genre of music?Humorcore.repeat.
213) What's your favorite artist/band?Phychostick
214) What's your favorite song(s)?We ran out of CD space.
215) What's your favorite soda? coke.
~ Can you? ~
216) Swim?no
217) Juggle?no
218 ) Ride a bike?no
219) Do a backbend?no
220) Do a backflip?no
221) Cook (good)?yes
222) Keep your room clean?no...unless money is in the equation.
223) Do 500 + 3214 - 120 x 12 in your head?no.I hate math.
224) Spell Super-Cali-Fragil-Istic-Espi-Ali-Docious?yes.I am a writer.
225) Finish the rest of this quiz in 15 minutes, while still following the rules stated in the first post?yes.
226) Push a car up a hill?no.
227) Sing?Really well!
228 ) Dance?no
230) Play soccer?no.
231) Play football?no.
232) Play basketball?no.
233) Play baseball?yes.
234) Run really fast?no.
235) Jump unusually high?yes.
~ Do These For Me (Pwease whee ) ~
236) Post each letter of "GaiaOnline" in a separate post.K
237) Post each letter of your name in a separate post.K
238 ) Post each letter of your username in a separate post.K
239) Post each letter of the word "please" in a separate post.K
240) Post the numbers 1-10 in a separate post.K
241) Bump once.BUMP.
242) Post each letter of "GaiaOnline" backwards in a separate post. (E-N-I-L-N-O-A-I-A-G) K
243) Post each number, counting down from 10, in a separate post. K
244) Post each letter of your favorite movie in a separate post.K
245) Post each letter of your favorite color in a separate post.K
246) Post each letter of your favorite candy in a separate post.K
247) Post the numbers 11-20 in a separate post.K
248 ) Post each number, counting down from 5, in a separate post.K
249) Post each letter of "post" in a separate post.K
250) Tell me, do you hate these things I want you to do?no.I'm just not going to do them.
251) Post how much gold you now have...none...hmmm...
~ Even More Random ~
252) Have you ever ate broccoli?yes.
253) If so, did you like it? If not, why haven't you? is okay.
254) Have you ever lied to your parents and they busted you right on the spot?yeah.
255) Have you ever snuck out at night?no.
256) Have you ever entered the Avatar Arena?no.
257) Have you ever entered the Art Arena?no.
258 ) Have you ever entered the Home Arena?no.hey WTF where's the writing arena! I put my stuff there scream
259) Have you ever donated anything to anyone? no
260) Have you ever been in a hospital for something serious?no
261) Have you ever had food poisoning?no
262) Do you have your drivers lisence?no
263) Have you ever taken a whole onion and just...bit into it?yes
264) Have you ever visted another COUNTRY?no
265) Do you move often?yes
266) How many states have you visited? 17
267) Have you ever failed a grade?no
268 ) Are you a "Straight-A" student?no
269) Were you ever a "Straight-A" student?yes.stupid math teacher...
270) Are you allergic to anything?allot of things.
271) Do you have a job?yes.I don't actually workon it though
~ Last of the This or That ~
272) Book or movie?Movie
273) Cartoon or regular TV?regular
274) Hamster or rabbit?rabbit.
275) Bugs Bunny or Daffy Duck?Daffy
276) YIM or MSN IM? uhhh...neither o.0
277). Neopets or Gaia?Gaia
278 ) Bath or shower?bath
279) Sweet or unsweetend tea?sweet
280) Pacman or Mrs. Pacman?Pac-man
281) Mario or Luigi?Luigi
282) Wii or PS2?PS2
283) DVD player or handheld DVD player?DVD PLAYER
284) Monday or Friday?friday
285) Friday or Saturday?friday
286) Ice cream or milkshake?milkshake
287) Stranded on an island or lost in a forest?island
288 ) Ocean or lake?lake
289) Beach or mountains?beach
290) Quiz or no quiz?no quiz.
291) Gold or GOLD!?GOLD!!
~ Yes... More Random ~
292) Have you ever gone bowling?yes
293) Have you ever gone skating?yes
294) Can you ice skate?no
295) Do you go to the movie theaters often?no
296) Does your family eat out a lot?yes
297) Have you ever done something, and it was blamed on someone else, and you let them take the blame?yes
298 ) What's your favorite restaurant?Red lobster,but we never go there.
299) What is your favorite Gaia Collectible?Jingle-Me Hat
300) Do you shop online?yes
301) Do you have an obsession with any celebrities?no
302) If so, who? If not, do you have any obsessions at all?yes
303) What's your least favorite dessert?fruit.
304) Are you ready for this quiz to be over?HELL YES!
305) Do you know how many questions are on this quiz?325
306) Do you enjoy shopping?yes
307) Can you skateboard?not well
308 ) Do you play a lot of video games?yes
309) Have you ever gone camping?yes
310) Have you ever gone rock-climbing?no
~ The End ~
312) Are you glad you took this quiz?no
313 What did you think of the quiz?it was long.
314) Did you answer every question?yes
315) Would you recommend this quiz to a friend?maybe friends I hate.
316) Are you GOING to recommend this quiz to a friend?yes T.T
317) Did you enjoy this quiz?no
318 ) Did you almost die of boredom?yes
319) Would you do this quiz again?no
320) THIS IS THE BEST QUIZ ON GAIA!... Right?yes
321) Did you notice the #s that were missing?yes
322) How much gold did you start out with?3527
323) How much gold do you now have?3527
324) Did you get as much gold you wanted to earn?I haven't figured out yet...wait a minute!
325) How much gold did you earn?I DID IT BACKWARDS!!!! gonk
all that for 55 gold.
LeoInTopHat Community Member |