[Holy wow! Thanks to Yukimura Yui-chan!]

[Thanks so much Flurryfox :}]

[It's so cute, Denrae!]

[Victor and I getting crunk. Me with Guinness, him with a sex on the beach &3. I love this one beyond comprehension, Victor Bernard!]

[A macaroni noodle with Claudio Sanchez's hair doodled for me by Cherrybomb Samurai]

[A super "desu" {as the artist likes to say} picture drawn by Silent Jealousy :3]

[An amazing animation be Amemya. Looooove it &3]

[Seriously awesome picture by Keiisah :3]

[Cartoon me by Beau Cramoisi]

[Chibi me by tarapandaes]

[Cute paint art by iCricketz]

[Amazing art by iiKimmeh &3]

[By XxKira_Tsuki_MegamixX]

[Beauuuutiful headshot by ShadowSkies]

[Animation by anidentity]

[quick headshot by iTrucker]

[Headshot by crazypieangellover]

[Headshot by seracst]

[Adorable chibi by e_lacey]

[Confused headshot by Janish]

[Adorable sign from iTrucker]

[Art bought for me from iTrucker, drawn by Hunter_Brady]

[Me and KING RABU RABU's OC drinking together]

[More art bought for my from iTrucker <3]

[Beautiful art by iConfuzzledCupcake]
The following is art I forgot I had received, and no longer know who did it for me. Sorry if you drew this.