So I just got home from the CKY concert, ******** yeah! They were pretty awsome and the money was so worth it, even though we got lost and missed the entire first band. The knives or something, we saw vikingskulls and then they came, cky, and I almost came.
No really, they were so ******** great, they played almost all the songs from Escape from Hellview and they did of course play 96 quiet bitter beings. As I have said already, it was awsome beyond words. The only negativ thing was this really drunk girl that started clinging to me and I had to hold her so that she would go down, really annyoing but I mean you can't let her get squished. I wouldn't be able to sleep well then. Any how, she said she was going and kind of leaned in for a kiss so I thought sure, I'll give her a good by peck. And don't you think that the wretched girl tries to bloody devour me. I had to break free and then when tried to eat me again I put a finger on her lips and shaked my head. So she asked me "Do you have a girlfriend?" And I shoke my head again, and then she gave me a look that seemed to ask "Damnit are you gay?!" I was there for the music damnit!
And tomorrow I'm meeting with Pilleth and Kyuu, how I have missed them both. I wuv them so much.
Blood Joker · Tue Aug 08, 2006 @ 11:10pm · 2 Comments |
I am actually going to something that can be remotely described as a date, how radical isn't that. Go me!
Blood Joker · Mon Aug 07, 2006 @ 04:19pm · 1 Comments |
I feel lightheaded, like everything is spinning. I should go to a doctor or something.
EDIT: Death avoided, I just had to eat something.
Blood Joker · Thu Aug 03, 2006 @ 06:53pm · 3 Comments |
I'm off to the festival soon, to get drunk, listen to good music and do lots and lots of silly things!
Blood Joker · Wed Jul 26, 2006 @ 07:12am · 1 Comments |
I'd laugh but then I might have to kill you. |
Okay, so I thought I'd go and actually write a real journal entry. Actually it'd be the first one since I left and I have to say that I'm quiet nervous typing this. I have this nagging feeling that my english has gone to hell during the year long hiatus that I took. And besides that I'm afraid that nobody is going to read this, that'd actually be worse then my spelling and gramma sucking (which it does, I know.) Now you might think that it's silly of me to fear that nobody is going to read this. But it feels like I need some positive reinforcement right now, even if things are better now then they were before I'm still an insecure little b*****d.
But now that I have introduced myself again I might actually start telling you about what have happened during my hiatus. If you don't want to know then just scroll down and read what comes next (Should something come next, I'm not sure.) But anyway, you might wonder how my life looks right now and I have to say that I'd be happy to tell you. My life actually looks pretty good, it's kind of shocking I know, but it's true. For the first time of the pathetic existance that I call my life I don't feel like s**t. Now that might be because of several factors; It might be because I've been able to attain atleast acceptable grades in school (Five A's, Two C's and Nine B's if you wondered.) I know that compared to most of you people these grades suck but I'm quite pleased with them for the time being. During my time away from Gaia I realised that by ******** up in school I only broke the wheels on my own carriage. So by shaping up in school I figured that maybe it might help me when I being to make reality of my grand master plan of doom and destruction. So now you know how my academic career have become better.
But that's not the only think that have changed in my life, lo and behold as I write this. I have made friends, that's right. I have made friends in real life, now I know you might find this hard to believe. Hell I don't believe that it's true sometimes but now there are actually people that sends me textmessages and asks if I want to go to the bar with them. Or they might wonder if I want to join the in watching a movie or something like that. But there you have it, I've managed to make friends. And that alone makes me a very happy monkey.
There are some other things that have changed in my life too. I actually got a gilfriend, I'm not lying it's true. We broke up somewhere two months before christmas but I actually had a girlfriend. Before this I was pretty darn sure that I was unlovable (I still am to some extent) but the whole relationship thing kind of changed my own view of myself. Because if somebody actually want me then there is still hope, and a side note; We broke up because we simply didn't know eachother well enough. So it wasn't because of me it was an actual mutal agreement. Before that I was pretty sure that in the highly unlikely event of me find a girlfriend I would drive her mad. Turns out that's not the case, yay for me.
One of the probably most obvious changes that have happened is the physical one. When I left Gaia my weight was 93.6 Kilos and I was 170 cm tall (or short) Today I weigh 75.5 kilos and I am 173ish cm tall. I have to buy new clothes because the ones I have are to big, now I have been a tubby little b***h all my life. And for me to actually feel that I look good for once in my life is pretty darn emotional.
So there you have somethings that have changed for the better in my life. And more is to come, I've been dreaming about moving to the USA for quiet some while now and it migth take three years, four years or five years but I'm on the way. So there you have it, a little summary of things that have changed during my time away.
Buh byes.
PS. Yeah I forgot, I feel asleep outside today and burned my face really bad. Even my eyelids are red. ;______;
Blood Joker · Sat Jul 22, 2006 @ 01:40am · 2 Comments |
So yeah, I'm back.
Blood Joker · Tue Jul 04, 2006 @ 01:11pm · 1 Comments |
Okay, so I am leaving now. All that is left is to send a few Pms and then I'm off, I'll leave my current password to the very competent caretaker and then it's over. I have found a shitload of love through this site and I have meet some people I believe will be my friends forever (Atleast I hope so) and I can say that had I gotten her my life would be so much more boring. But now real life has been knockin' on my shoulder for too long, I need to pay some more attention to it. So I am leaving for the span of a year. Well to tell the truth, Gaia has lost some of its charm. Most of the people I meet when I first started has disappared and that has made me very sad. Anyway, I love all of you. Goodbye.  The Joker has left the building
PS. You can all get me at my msn basguy@hotmail.com
Special love goes out to the two girls that I meet at my first visit of the GNPM. BSLuGeth and CrazyAlien8, I'll always remember you two very special girls.
And another special goodbye to Cowwie, the first Gaian that ever called me. Maybe we meet some day, hopefully soon. Germany isn't that far away!
It's getting emotional, darn.
Well, goodbye all of you silly people that I got to know and grew to love.
To Infinity, AND BEYOND!
Blood Joker · Thu Aug 18, 2005 @ 10:25pm · 8 Comments |
Encounter of the first grade. |