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I'm Mouse, and welcome to my Journal.

Community Member
Long Time No See
Been a LONG time since I've been here, its all so wierd. Ah well, Lifes been ok, Field Hockey was the Highlight of my year and now that its over all I want to do is SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP!!! sweatdrop

heart Kitty-Kat

Much Boredome...
I am soooooo bored, I'm in my computers class and there are other things I'd much rather be doing...it takes for friggin EVER to get anywhere on Gaia with the computers....grrrrr sweatdrop

Community Member

Community Member
Saturday November 12, 2004
Well, its oficial, I hate my family an dmy life...hell, I hate the whole damned world. Ever since my parents started this hole new buisness thing there is NO time for me. I keep missing rehersals, and I HAD to go today, but nope, my parents had to WORK. Its a load of s**t. ALL OF IT! I HATE EVERYTHING. I can't do anything any more. They said that THEY would be giving up alot, but I gave up the most. I hate the world, and it hates me right back. Why can't I lead a relitivly NORMAL life? BUT NOOOOOOO.

heart Mouse

Sunday October 16, 2004

Yesterday I was at rehersl...ALL day. I was so tierd when I came home. The Director Joe* has a list a favorites and its so annoying!! They get so much special treatment and it sucks for the rest of us who work our asses off and still get cast as extras no matter how hard we work. My mom Sally* is a costumer and she hears all this gossip and stuff, and even though Joe* threatens to cut us no one (including myself) believes him. But some people act up and we (thge non favorites) Take the blame for it all because he refuses to believe the favorites did something. Honestly. *glares at nothing in particular*

Next subject...

Mom and I went and saw Jersey Boys at the Play House on Monday, OMG!!! IT was soooooooooo good! It was funny as hell, the actors were AWSOME and damn can they sing. biggrin I loved every minute of it!!! Sometimes in a play the energy fails towards the end, but not here, it was great all the way through. Loved every second of it and I recomend it to EVERY ONE!!! heart heart

Well today I plan to take a break on EVERYTHING, I want the extent of my exersize to be changing the channel o the T.V. and pressing buttons for the computer. SO I'm lazy...sue me. sweatdrop

*All names have been changed.*

heart Mouse

Community Member

Community Member
Hello and wellcome to my Journal...thingy.

Please post what you think and all, comments are appriciated.


-I don't mind cussing.

-I understand my spelling and punctuation isn't perfect but please don't yell at me, and try and make your's as good as possible.

heart Mouse

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