I heart freebies very much! I am eternerly grateful for any art people give me. But people please don't go and ask these people to give you free art though.
Artists that have given me free art:
Lemon Candies heart Love her to bits.
Crazy and Proud
Pineapple Salsa
Artist: Pineapple Salsa
Types: 2 Head, 2 halfs

Artist: seifrih
Type: Headshot

Artist: Crazy and Proud
Type: Full body

Artist: Chibiruler1990
Type: Head

Like it ALOT!
Artist: Lemon Candies
Type: Full-body

OMG! I love it to bits! It is gorgeous I am forever in her will.
Artist: Manketsu
Type: Full body

Like it, but it isn't the best.
Artist: Rum & Coke
Type: Headshot

I think it is cute.