I'm tired...... xp
domokun <------- I dont think that he likes you very much...he's always smiling at me... ((I think he wants to eat you!))
Koumou Neko · Sat Jan 15, 2005 @ 10:20pm · 0 Comments |
Last week was really hard on me, especially the weekend. Tuesday night (Nov. 30th, i think) my friend Matt died. I didn't know until the next morning; a teacher told me. We weren't too close, but I always consitered him a good friend of mine. I think the last time I saw Matt was eight grade, with exception to our one or two "hello's" in the hallways my freshman year. He was an amazing person, and I wish that you all could have met him. It was so hard not to cry in school on Wednesday thru Friday. Friday afternoon, just after school, I went to Matt's wake. I'm glad I got to see him one last time and say good-bye. I'll see him again someday, though, so I geuss it wasn't really "good-bye", more like, "see you in a little while." I miss him a lot. It is amazing how lonely it feels when you lose one friend, even though you may have more than most. The next day (Saturday), I went to the memorial mass and the funeral. There were so many people there. I was glad to see how many people really cared about Matt, and how many people he touched. In seventh and eight grade, I was pretty depressed, to say the least; even though I almost always smiled. I geuss I smiled to try to hide the scars, hoping no one would notice. I truely wanted to end it all. But somehow Matt managed to fix things. Just before my eight grade year ended, I didn't want to end it all anymore, I wanted to live. He helped me get to where I am, and if it weren't for him, I probably wouldn't be here right now. I geuss my greatest regret is not being able to see that he was hurting, and not being able to help him the way he helped me. I wish I could have saved him, but I know that there was probably nothing I could do for him. Always remember the lost...never let them go, it may be painful at first but you'll make it through, if you let go of the lost, you lose the memories and hope of a new fate. Never forget...because they never will... I hope Matt, and all those who have been lost find the peace they had been so diligently searching for...
Support our Troops Support the USA Support a new fate for the world...
'Till next time...
Koumou Neko · Mon Dec 13, 2004 @ 12:19am · 0 Comments |
OMG ((keeping it G-Rated here. lol)) I found out a few days ago that my friend, Jose, is moving! eek And to Utah (did I spell it right?) of all places! domokun It seems like all of my friends are moving away...let's see if i can list them, just to annoy you? jk. (there's Andrea, Alyson, and Jose) It feels like everyone is moving..atleast. crying Oh well...what could I do? Steel them and let them live in my basement? That could be fun.... 3nodding Maybe I will do just that! lol I wish! Have fun my fine-feathered friends! 'Till next time! heart
Koumou Neko · Sun Dec 12, 2004 @ 11:55pm · 0 Comments |
Wow...it has been like...FOR-ev-ER since i have posted in here! where should i start? xp Thanksgiving sound good! lol Anyways, this year for thanksgiving we had two other families over for the big ol' feast. There was a total of 19 people over! I was about to die...not really. It was actually quite fun. We had a regular Thanksgiving dinner (turkey, mashed potatoes, the works). Everyone finally left at 10.30 or 11 o'clock. I was about to fall over and sleep, and ofcoarse I just had to stay up to 2 o'clock in the morning with my friend, Patty, because her family let her stay the night. It was all good though...i think? lol That's all I can think of for Thanksgiving...besides the Thanksgiving PSA (Red vs. B) It was crazy! check it out, if its still there. http://www.redvsblue.com/ Well, good-bye for now, my fine-feathered friends! 3nodding
Koumou Neko · Sun Dec 12, 2004 @ 11:34pm · 0 Comments |
Wow...it's been a while since i have written here...*shock* eek Anyways, I'm REAAAALY~~~~ tired, so it's beddie-bye time! YAY BEDDIE-BYE TIME!!! xd :::immitating cosmo from ''the fairly odd parents''::: Toodles my noodles, and nightie-night Gaia. Sweet dreams! heart domokun heart
Koumou Neko · Tue Nov 02, 2004 @ 03:30am · 0 Comments |
I can't believe it's not Butter! |
Well, I really can't believe it's not butter...but that's not what i'm writing about. Yesterday, blessed Friday, was a horrible day. xp Besides the fact that i had progressively gotten sick over the week and had no voice, i felt like i was going to pass out in school. confused I was really THAT tired. I had barely slept all week. Well, anyways, i had gotten home, and was getting ready to work on my painting which i was surpizingly excited about working on. BUT, i was so tired, i decided to take a nap. So, i quickly set up my things and set my alarm clock to go off exacly one hour later; and incase that didn't work, i set my watch alarm to go off five minutes afterward. ((NoTe: I made sure both were on before i went to sleep)) Well, to say the least, I woke up fifteen minutes later. My mother woke me up, asking my if i wanted pizza from Dominos or the local place. I told her i didn't care, even though i wanted Dominoes, and went back to sleep. ((NoTe: Friday my parents always go out, and leave me and my brothers home. None of my brothers can get along, and are ALWAYS screaming at eachother, literally. rolleyes )) Somehow, i managed to sleep very...peacefully? if peacefully is the word. Needless to say, I woke up about SIX-TEEN HOURS LATER. sweatdrop Some how, i managed to sleep through the doorbell, the screaming, and my parents coming home...I would like to know how i did it! domokun Well...i'm not tired anymore...! cool But is that really a good thing??? I'll probably be up all night tonight, and be exahusted tomorrow as usual... xp Toodle my Foodles! domokun
Koumou Neko · Sun Oct 10, 2004 @ 12:09am · 0 Comments |
Sporks -vs- Spoons...segragation or just plain stupidity? |
I have decided to launch a war against spoons...and maybe even forks, but forks are ok... Well, anyways, my fellow sprok and i, along with a cute and cudly teddy bear i met, are going to take over the world! MWAHAHAHA... domokun scream >>calms down consiterably<< In my opinion, it's plain racism (did i spell it right...because i can't spell for my life) because the regular forks go on the far left, dessert forks next to them, soup spoons next to them, knives next to the spoons, and the dessert [?] spoons on the bottom. That's not fair! Kitchenware should't be segragated!! That's unconstitutional! It's wrong! crying And what about the sporks??? HUH? Don't they get a say in this??? What happened to Democracy? >>as you can tell, i am pro sprok heart << Moving on, Spoons are just evil, and using sporks would be intagrating spoons and forks, ending the segragation! 3nodding So why not use sproks? besides, they're cool! whee Anyways, when i become ruler of the world, those who join me will get to live, and a happy life at that. biggrin Those who oppose me....MWAHAHAHAHAHA... domokun scream blaugh >>back to reality<< will get their brains torn out by sporks, or maybe their spoons, which will be destroied upon tearing their breain from their head. Heehee. i haven't decided which one, but either way, the spoons will be decimated! xp [ <--like that, just more painful and worse.] Anyways, i think i'll leave it at that...if you have questions, or just want to tell me how...wonderfull my idea is >>yeah, i wish<< then please, feel free to leave a comment or pm me! heart domokun heart In conclusion, >>heehee<< I will leave these three pictures with you. I think you will know what they are....enjoy! whee 3nodding
--this is but one of my spork pictures as you can see...i didn't create it... crying
--this is a picture of some spoons....i like the picture, but not spoons...i didn't make this one either... sweatdrop
--this is what will happen to those spoon lovers when i take over the world...BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA.... domokun domokun domokun
OK kiddies, stay safe, be good, and don't do drugs, they're bad for you...! eek shhhhhh... >>lol<< Oh well, it was fun! ...or was it...? I will now go and contemplate the purpose of life, and many other things such as spoons, forks, and how and when i will take over the world. ((just so you know, i was kidding about all of this. I think it's just fun to talk about and recruit people for my war. I'm still recruting by the way, and if you'r a spoon lover, please tell me! I still think sporks are cool though. Oh well... BUT, did you know that there are some people that are "hard core" spork protesters? It's the truth! If you don't believe me, go check it out for yourself, just go to google or some other search engine, and do an image search for "spork". It's rather frightening that people actually do that.))
TOODLES my fellow FOODLES! 3nodding until next time...
Koumou Neko · Tue Oct 05, 2004 @ 10:06pm · 0 Comments |
I didn't know what to write today, so enjoy this lovely conversation between my lovely friend and i! 3nodding
Koumou Neko: geuss what Kanashimi Ame: What?? Koumou Neko: i've got sweedish fishies that were prossesed in the US!!! >_< Kanashimi Ame: LiEk OmG!! Koumou Neko: heeeheee Koumou Neko: andrea, i want a fly suit Kanashimi Ame: Oh? Why do you want that? Koumou Neko: so that i can be 1/2 fly 1/2 roach...? sure Kanashimi Ame: Becca ROACH! Koumou Neko: yes? Kanashimi Ame: I don't know ._. Koumou Neko: -_-? Kanashimi Ame: XD Koumou Neko: XDDDDDDD Kanashimi Ame: ::explodes:: Koumou Neko: BOOM! Kanashimi Ame: XD Koumou Neko: andrea, i want a tootoo Koumou Neko: just thought i'd tell you that Koumou Neko: lol Kanashimi Ame: So you can be a half fly/roach in a tutu? Koumou Neko: how'd you know Koumou Neko: that ould be cool tho Kanashimi Ame: It would XD Koumou Neko: n_n Kanashimi Ame: ::Twirls:: I HAVE A s**t LOAD OF HOMEWORK! Koumou Neko: so do i! Kanashimi Ame: GASP!! Koumou Neko: well...not really, it just has to be done by like 545 Kanashimi Ame: >.> Koumou Neko: <.< Kanashimi Ame: >.< Koumou Neko: >_< Kanashimi Ame: <.> Koumou Neko: fare thee well, i must depart from thee............to...um.....EL DO-O MY HOMEWORK-O! yea, that's it... Koumou Neko: lol Koumou Neko: i really have to do my homework...Toodles my foodle Kanashimi Ame: bye byeee
"That's all folks!" lol Have fun, stay safe, and remember kidz, drugs are bad for you! stare shhh..! ninja lol
If i drank, i'd think i was seriously drunk right now....but we all know that i can't hold my sugar for my life, literally........some day i'm sure it will kill me though.... anyways, Toodles my Foodles! whee
Koumou Neko · Mon Oct 04, 2004 @ 09:38pm · 0 Comments |
There isn't much to write about today...i think. Where should i start...? Today, I lost my brain! I'm sure you wish xp Well, I was helping my dad close our pool today. He told me to get on the side of the pool to help pull the cover around to get out the wrinkles ((we have an above ground pool)). Happily, all was fine...until it started pouring, but strangely, the rain lasted for about five minutes. So, finally we finished, and on my way to the ladder, I slipped on the edge and face planted into the water... crying cry It was a very sad sight...fun...but sad. And the water was cold, not that i exspected it to be warm. And that's it for my "exciting" story for today. Have fun, and try not to fall! domokun
Koumou Neko · Sun Oct 03, 2004 @ 02:24am · 0 Comments |