...Gosh i just want to kill ppl sometimes. I just can't take the world anymore. Ppl are starting to get annoying and there are just times where i just want to pumch them stright in the face. Though I'm not of those ppl who would do tht but one of these days I will and I don't care how much I get in trouble. But then there are some ppl who u can talk about ur problems. They're fun to talk to and I just love them. ^w^ -sigh- And then there are friends who u talk to but seem like they don't even like u or just don't want to talk to u. U know if ya don't want to talk, u could just say so and we'll leave u alone. Sometimes I'm at a point where i just want to kill myself. It's kinda bad cause I'm the one who is always happy no matter what happens. I like making ppl feel better when they're sad yet no one ever does tht for me. But then again I relly don't care cause no one ever cares about me or pays attion for tht matter. And when someone does pay attion to me, they make fun of me for no reason. But I just laugh at it like I don't care even when it hurts my feelings a lot...

Dani / 24 / ⚖
Space is my kink.
Love random PMs, just don't be weird about it.
Current Quest | None! emotion_ghost