They don't work anymore... but they are still cute to look at :3
DISCLAIMER: I DON'T KNOW IF THESE PETS ARE STILL ACTIVE. I BOUGHT THEM OR THEY WERE GIFTED TO ME YEARS AGO. I think that the hosts of the pets have left Gaia for good and no longer keep up their "old" pets (even though Kingdom of Knuffle, from where most of my pets come, is an independently running site now, I don't think they host or keep up with pets they sold on Gaia when they were here ~_~ Here is my Sheebil...his name is HotHead (ha ha ha, Sis, very funny
stare ). Hug him & poke him (he might even poke you back!
blaugh )

LOOK! Knuffel to play with!!
Jaycia is a happy little catgirl who loves to play, and of course, EAT! (She is a Knuffel, after all
blaugh )
Tristam is my Loli-Goth boi, who may or may not be headed towards a relationship with a nice Knuffel boi named Moth...
Azure Angel is my newest baby- she was a gift from my "Good Twin" sister, FairieGodMother (thanks, sis
razz )... and she's blue and has wings (she's like a cat version of my sister
eek LOL)

Tati'a, the LoliGoth (who looks a little too happy for a loligoth IMO LOL):

Leighannah, the Dark Elf And Leighanna's pet Nimmersat, Nim (I think they look cute together
xd ):

Jaycia's brother, Jaycen:

Jaycia's Evil Twin (everyone has an Evil Twin BWAHAHAH), Dremora

And Jaycia's best friend, Juniper

I got the Wizard, too, before he's gone. I missed out on getting any of the older freebies, so I figured I'd best hurry on this one!