Amierith · Fri May 11, 2007 @ 01:05am · 0 Comments |
SS Rando Sig (For my reference) |
Amierith · Tue Dec 12, 2006 @ 01:38am · 0 Comments |
For my own reference. . . |
Amierith · Fri Dec 30, 2005 @ 04:27am · 0 Comments |
Character Biography (Still in progress) |
Common Name: Amierith
Real Name: Amuriel
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Species: Kirin
Appearance 1 (Most common, but not real): Human appearance. Light, almost pale, skin with silver hair and blue eyes. She is slight and rather short, and most people would view her as fragile looking. Her features are slightly angled, and her ears (although covered by her hair most of the time) come to a very slight point. Most often, she wears her hair long and straight, though on occassions, she will place it up into tight curls.
Appearance 2 (Less common, but true form): Kirin appearance. Silver fur/scales with light blue mane/tail/eyes. This appearance is that of a typical Kirin: body of a horse with the head/tail/scales of a dragon. This pic most closely resembles her: http://www.purpleheartdesigns.co.uk/images2/view/kirin.gif
Personality: Amierith can be quiet at times, though mostly she is outspoken. She tries to be honest to the core, and sometimes, this can cause trouble. She's playful and can't refuse a good game, but she is also guarded. Most people know little to nothing of her history or true feelings, making her seem conceited at times. Finally, like all Kirins, she is righteous. She holds true to her sacred duty: To bring good luck and prosperity to deserving people (she tends to have unnatural good luck) and punish the wicked. People who meet her seem to be taken by the unusual serenity she manages to create.
Background: The human girl Amierith was born in a small town to two average human parents. They looked after and cared for her, but even as a young child, she knew something was not right. Her parents were guarded around her, protective as if she might suddenly attack them, and unlike most adoring adults, they did not hug or kiss her. Finally, on her fifth birthday, she noticed something odd. A stubby horn was growing from the center of her head. She giggled and ran to show her parents, but they met her with a calm and calculated reaction: they glanced between each other with finality, then they drugged her. Her ten years of horror began after that. She was taken to somewhere bright and cold where harsh hands gripped her and sharp objects tore her skin. Over the years, she realized her birth had been planned. She was not the product of love, but rather the folly of science. To create a living weapon, that was the scientists' objective as they carefully created a fetus based off the mythological Kirin. During the years of testing, she also was trained in various skills and gradually learned how to transform into her full Kirin form. She excelled in bow skills and swordplay, and she eventually realized she could control nature, especially ice. Something else developed in her mind during those years: vengence. Soon after she turned fifteen, she escaped, and during her liberation, she killed the scientists who had tortured her. It was...a righteous feeling, and as she fled, she began to wonder if there were more people like her, unnatural beings created by man. She decided there had to be. Life without hope of companionship was daunting; so she began a quest to find others like herself...help as many people as she could along the way (because she did not hate all humans)...and cast punishment upon the wicked.
Amierith · Sun Dec 25, 2005 @ 06:50am · 0 Comments |
![User Image](https://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b118/Pundus/Growing%20Pets/BellVie.jpg) A new pet! Belle Vie! 4laugh
Amierith · Tue Dec 20, 2005 @ 08:34pm · 0 Comments |