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I was daydreaming this morning when this idea came up..

why a balloon?

* it's round - yup, physically, my body is round
* it's still round - it has it's up & down, which is similar with what i have been through until now..
* it has to be filled - it is up to you guys you want to fill it up with air (gas, in chemistry or physic term), water (hey, water bomb!), or even with sand (ever tried?) - what i'm trying to say here, i need to be fill with something to create, what i call, myself
* it's fragile - nah, maybe not as easy as glass, but still, it'll burst - same goes to me, my emotions are fragile when it comes to human interaction
* it can burst - when you fill up the balloon, you never know when it'll burst - same goes to me, i so used to keep & store my feeling until at a time, i'll burst it out, either appropriate, or unappropriate (this happen most of the time).

well, if you guys doesn't like to be symbolise by a balloon, you guys can use a football or soccer ball instead - haw,haw,haw smile )

k-rul elemental slayer
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k-rul elemental slayer
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