Alright first off: if you're dating someone through gaia, facebook, myspace, xbox, etc.and you have never met them, YOU'RE NOT DATING. Get a life for God's sake. You're not dating, you're not in love! You're just desperate, stupid, and need to face reality. And sorry to say, but reality is: YOU'RE A LOSER. A stupid, stupid loser. You think because you give your phone number to someone, or add them on facebook, that makes you know them? YOU'VE NEVER EVEN SEEN THEM. They're not tangible, and you have not a clue what they do behind your back. Not that they'd tell you anyway.
Some of you may be thinking: Chelsea, why are you being so harsh? or Chelsea, what makes you think that you can call us stupid? And my favorite: why are you so shallow?
I really don't care what anyone thinks-- I just find it completely idiotic to have this notion that you're dating someone YOU HAVE NEVER EVEN MET. They don't even know what you look like in real life! All they've seen is pictures, which can easily be edited, or strategically taken so that a person looks a lot better than they actually do. And sorry to say this but even people who are overweight have the ability to make themselves APPEAR skinny, or average, in a photoshopped picture.
What ever happened to going out, and meeting people in real life? Why do people deem it necessary to meet people on the internet? We, as a nation and a world, are losing the ability to interact as humans, and it's quite sickening.
So, to all of those cyber-boyfriends/girlfriends, do yourself a favor: get off of the couch, drop the bag of potato chips, and go out and find yourself someone tangible.