some1 called me inmature i dont care
bcuz inmature its just a word used
by ppl who dont kno how 2 hav fun! :3
-snicker aka marii :3
its hard 2 waiit 4 sumthiing that
u kno that will never happen but
its harder 2 giv it up bcuz its
the thing u have ever wanted
-snicker aka marii :3
well ii lov ur eyes,ur
hair and pretty much everiithing
bout chuu.ii cant stop thinkiin
of chuu and everiitime ii hear
ur voiice ii get butterfliies
and myy words get cought up.
but all this tiime ii just
wanted 2 tell u ii lov chuu. :3
-snicker aka marii ^^
i want some1 that wen he
asks wats wrong
look me riight into my eyes and
say tell me the truth
-snicker aka marii
somewhere between our long talks
and good laughs ii sarted 2 fall
in lov
-snicker aka marii
iit hurts 2 love you the way ii do
and then realiize that u dont even care
-snicker aka marii
friends are the ones that will come
and baiil u out of jaiil
but real friends will be there
sitting next 2 u sayiin "man we ******** up"
-snicker aka marii
hahaha ur laughing bcuz iim crazy
but im laughing bcuz
u just figured that out suckaaa!!
-snicker aka marii
haviing a true friend means killing each
other over the last bag of chips
and in the end not sayiing sorry
but sayiing "HAHA, 2 baaad LOSER!!
-snicker aka marii
when a guy rejects u a good friend will
come and say u shold give up now
but a true friend will call him and
tell him "UR GAY I knew it!"
-snicker aka marii
yea ii kno im crazyy and wieerd
but thats the wayy ii roll PUNK!
-snicker aka marii
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RaMDom StuFF!!**
:D !!
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peace_love_girl_ xx
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I Adopted a White Fox!
Name:whiity :3
Loves:meh and crazy ppl
No Loves:ppl who hate crazy ppl > neutral
Owner:me :3
You wanna Adopt one???
Adpot One!