I new the tears streaming down my face would never go away. I endured the most painful thing ever. I watched him leave me behind forever. I never knew that a person could hurt so much. I never knew that this would happen. Tyler ran to Rens window. He looked in to say goodbye, but Ren was crying. He was shedding tears for me… I loved him, and he was leaving me behind like I meant nothing to him. But he was crying over me. I didn’t make sense. I feel to the cold cement ground, and cried for what seemed like hours. I knew I had Tyler and Noah, and my music, but my life meant nothing to me without Ren. But I knew that I had to save some money, then go to Tokyo! I had to see my love again. I cried myself to sleep that night, even though that was not my final goodbye…
I flew down the stairs like a speeding bullet. I had my backpack on my back, and a piece of toast in my hand. I knew that if I was late for school again, that this time id be the toast.
I never liked school. But then again who ever did or does? It messes with your brain. Puts you into positions you shouldn’t be in. it hurts you. And I of all people, know this too well. Once when I was in 7th grade, a guy and his “gang” jumped me after school, because another person had framed me. They never did ever realize that I was framed. I tried to tell them, and everyone, but no one would believe the little outcast. But it was all fine after I got into high school. I actually made a friend. Tyler. He was always there for me. He always made me smile or laugh my butt off. High school isn’t all that bad…
I was greeted by an always happy Tyler at the front steps.
“ Hey Nana!”
“ Hey Tyler.”
“See you got your hair cut again? It look nice.” He smiled at me
“Thanks. Thought it needed to be cut again. You know before the concert tonight!” I said with maybe too much excitement.
“Ha-ha yeah! You seem really excited about the concert!”
“I am! I cant wait!”
“yeah! And I actually know…” Tyler was cut short by the bell… the bell of doom. The bell that lets us know that we are about to start another brain numbing session of classes. I reluctantly walked to my first period. I took my normal seat in the back, surrounded by preppy girls in pink mini skirts. They all glared at me as I sat there. I usually glared back, but I was too tired.
After I had endured 2 ½ hours of school (or torture) I was called to the office. After I passed a row of immature high school students going oooo, I walked to the office in a state of mind that wasn’t the best. I was worried about what awaited me in the office. Questions ran through my mind like bullet train going 100 mph. I walked into the door of the office, and I thought I was going to scream. There standing before me, in a preppy pink mini skirt, and prada heels, was Ellen Hatches. The popular, preppy, student council leader. I thought I was going to hurl! We hated each other with a burning passion. Ever since that day in 5th grade…
I was on the swings in the playground, and Ellen comes up behind my swing and says…
“Get off. Your going to the principles.” She said with a sneer.
“Why am I going to the principles?”
“Because… you had a knife in your backpack!” she smiled at me, and held up a pocket knife in her hand.
“You little! I never even owned a pocket knife! You put that in there!”
“Ha-Ha I guess you are smarter then you look. You can tell Mr. Brock, but he’ll never believe a little punk like you now will he? You should just except the 2 week in school suspension, and leave it at that.” She smiled at me, then turned and walked away. I was left alone on the swings, my eyes tearing with rage. I thought I was going to murder her! But I decided I would do as she said, and I took my punishment. Not gladly though.
Not gladly at all…
(this is the begining of my story.... tell me what you think please!!! thanks wink
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Saya and Hagi 4ever!

name: Alice
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name: Alice
age: 14
likes: romantic times with her bf!
dislikes: anyone ho hurts her
owner: me! ^ ^
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