Well...I'm finally "freshmeat" (then raw meat, rotten meat, and finally expired meat xD). High School is huge compared to my Middle School. I almost got lost, but they (teachers) actually gave us maps to help us.
I'm shocked that I rarely have any classes with my fellow middle school friends, because 1/3 of the freshmen came from my middle school. I'm still happy to have made new friends (at least 6!).
Lunch goes by fast because it's only about 15 minutes. I learned to just get a bite of my sandwhich or an snack bar. After lunch, we all usually go outside and wait for the doors to open. I have no idea why we have to go outside.
Classes are actually pretty boring. The first day of school was actually extremely boring. All I heard all day was: "Write your name, home room, and grade here..." What makes it worse is the heat. It's about 95 degress outside, and the school is extremely hot. Everyone is sweating, and I have no idea how the teachers wearing long pants can survive.
Speaking of the heat...the tennis courts are usually 10 degress hotter than the regular temperature outside, so they are 105 degrees! Every tennis practice 2 hours! I wouldn't be surprised if I died right there on the tennis courts. YOU MUST DRINK WATER EVERY 20 MINUTES!!! Oh yes, I also made varsity. I'm in doubles 1 with my new friend, Ally. She's very nice, and she's a year older than me. The senior tennis players are amazing. They remind me of my sister, because she went to the same high school and played on the tennis team (graduated 3 years ago).
Other than about high school...I'm very addicted to Fire Emblem songs (especially Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn). So far, "Oliver's Fall" is my favorite, because of the harpshard, flute, and violins.
Mario Kart Wii: I only play it when I have time. Since it's only the beggining of a new school year, I have time to play at night. I only play battle now. No racing. I actually make new files so I can start from 5000 and go up to 8000 (and restart). It's odd, how I think about teams. I don't like being the "leader" of the team, or having the highest points on the team. I like helping others. For example, I just attack people in coin battle until my team mates get enough coins.
Phew...life is good. It's all good....and very HOT.
Sonata Sweets · Mon Sep 06, 2010 @ 12:49am · 0 Comments |