Star Gaze
Star gaze with me, lay by my side as we watch the stars twinkle into the dark sky. Isn't it beautiful; your hand in mine while we watch the lights shimmer with a grace none on earth can capture. The only sounds around are the grasshoppers and crickets, playing a chorus of gentle strums and your breath alternating against my own, with the soft rise and fall of our chests. As the dark meets the stars, the definition is lost and the darkness is gone in a brilliant swirl of oranges, reds, and yellows. Through the light, I hear your voice, sweet, soft, and gentle as it says, "Good morning, sunshine."
My Encounter
Frustration piles up, as there is absence in my eyes as my mind drifts into the flickering candles that have burned my fingers so sweetly.
My chest is tight, and breath leaves me in short wheezes that deflate my lungs as more weight falls across me, until all at once, it is lifted and air gushes into me.
Dizziness tricks my mind as the cooling, bitter coffee trickles down my throat, and sudden pain hits me like a stone wall.
Arms wrap around me, stroking me until my breath evens, the pain is gone, and my shame makes me pull away; I have shown weakness, even though the arms know how weak I was from the beginning.
Movement from one place to another place, the songs are quieter here and the breath of those around me is audible.
Tears sting me as those around me begin to speak and I have things to add, but my voice will not sound, even though I move my lips; their words are strong, powerful and I am moved, inspired, and frightened with what I would have to change to live up to those words.
Dimly lit and the lights barely flicker. Doors fling open at the end of the hallway, click, click, click. A gurny rolls from the darkness, nothing on it. Empty. No one is here, it's too late. But I hear patients crying. Where am I? A hospital. Everything seems fragmented, as though looking through broken glass; even my thoughts cannot survive more than mere seconds. Everything is broken. The gurny moves faster, like someone was pushing it even though no one had touched it. Click, click, click. It's faster, coming at me. I turn to run, panting though I haven't taken a step. An icy burn hits the back of my legs, as the gurny knocks me off my feet and I'm sprawled out on it. The metal burns, freezing against warm skin. My broken vision shakes, I'm freezing, the air is colder around here. I scream and kick, willing to fall from the gurny rather than remain it's victim. Cold hands, pale, dead, hands. Grabbing my legs and arms, holding me down. No control. The dark hall is a blur now, each light busts like someone broke it as we pass. A needle, hanging threateningly in a new hand. A mystical grin that mesmerizes and I lose my train of thought. The needle sinks in and a push. A chill crawls through my veins, then darkness.
I awake in my bed, panting like a dog. It is morning and I am completely insane.