Life, Love, and Cows - A Harvest Moon RP Character Journal
Ah, gee... I haven't made a journal in years...? but, I guess its worth putting something in, now. I might as well not waste this thing, and things are starting to get a little intresting, now.
Just for a little update, my names Glen Lonato, I'm 19, and.. well. I -used- to be a carpender. Guess I'm not much anymore, now. And... uh... I really hate eggs, except boiled. Boiled eggs taste great, even though they smell really bad.
I'm no good at Journals, I dont even know what compelled me to do this... What else... Oh yeah!
I'm supost to do some sort of heart system thing, arnt I?
heart = Good
burning_eyes = Bad
(And some other emotioncons, you can prolly guess what Glen feels)
Girl Friendships
Rose Sadi--- heart heart
Faithe Huntington--- 3nodding
Annika Bella--- smile
Samantha "Sam" Bailey---
Amy Ashbeck---
Margaret--- neutral
Victoria--- neutral
Trina--- confused
Kya--- confused heart
Boy Friendships
Adrian D. Kade---
Chip--- neutral
Sidney Westbrook---
Kale Este--- heart
Juno Bella--- heart heart
Arthur--- stare
Spring 5th
I have dug this journal out after alot of neglect. I'm not sure why I'm writting in it. Grandpa always said diarys were for girls. But this is a Journal, so I guess...
Well, reguardless, I think today is worth recording. After being lost in a woods for about a week, I stumbled onto a little town wedged inbetween the trees. It was kind of quaint, really. Homely, almost. I was lost miserable, and Grandpa always say real men dont need to ask for directions, so I didn't. I did find a map, but it was ainchent, and I ended up throwing it away.
I found my old friend Juno in this town, which is really the reason why I'm writting, I guess. You remember Juno, right? The boy who slept in a barn with his sheep, and his parents had bailed on him a year back. The kid who I got into a fist fight with, then buddied up with. Ironicaly, he really did become my partner in crime, technicaly, today.
But I'm getting ahead of myself.
Okay, Juno seems to have turned his life around, and is now a farmer, and is working with his -sister-. I guess I'm not too surprised that he has a sister. He never talked about his family, I never talked about mine. It was a fair trade off. It still bothered me, somehow, though, that I didn't know about his sister untill today.
She seems like a nice enough girl, really. Her names Annika. I think. I prolly spelled it wrong. She dosent look much like Juno, except for the eyes. Their eyes are identical. The same wide, "I dropped my expencive chocolates in the dust and I'm going to eat them anyway!"-brown eyes.
Me and Juno caught up a little, and Juno eventualy dragged me to this beach party. It was pretty dull and lame, really. There were only two other people there, and they abandonded us to go swimming (Juno is such a pansy, he's still afraid of being around girls), so Juno dragged me off to look for this "ghost" he heard eariler.
Juno's always had a thing for consparist theorys, but he's really good at makeing them convincing... and he's been right before. So I half to half-belive every thing he says, it feels like.
I'm going to punch him in the jaw the next time he makes one, though.
So we go to this building, which I learned was a bakery, and we -hear- this singing. It was kind of pretty, but was kind of creepy and echo-y. I gave Juno a boost, and he climed into this window-where the singing came from.
Next thing I know Juno's screaming, the "ghost" is screaming, -IM- screaming, and this girl that crept up behind me is screaming.
Then Juno lands on my face.
And gives me a black eye.
Ironicaly this is the same eye as the one he punched me in when we first met. I have a ziplock baggy doubble up and filled with ice taped to my face now. Its really cold, but at least I can't feel the -pain- in my head anymore. I have half a mind to beat Juno with this thing.
After we recover, half the negiborhood is glareing daggers at us, except for this weird girl in a lolita-baker uniform, who actualy completely understood Juno's crackpot theory.
Ew. Female Juno? That's just creepy. Even for me.
Well, this guy with a tacky fur coat kept yelling question, and eventualy laughed at us (a*****e), and the other guy ran off into the building, and fetched the supposed "ghost girl", who yells at -everyone- then runs off crying after Juno apologised for us.
Man, you do not know how low I feel thinking about that.
Well. Long story short, me and Juno did the same old, and I'm now officaly stuck sleeping in the vacant doghouse on Juno's farm, at least for tonight. Like it was -my fault- we went on the ghost hunt or something!
Whatever. I guess I'm done. That was today. I think I'm going to see if I cant get to bed. Damn... I'm so sore...
Spring 8...9?
So I'm gonna try to make this quick.
The past couple of days were... insane. Some how Cops were on our behind for the stuff that happened in my last entree. I fought some Guy Cop, and it didn't go over well. then I spent the night in the Clinic. I cant really remember that day well at all... Then the next day, me and Juno end up searching all over town for that ghost girl, and find her just as she left the cave and...
It was s**t. The past couple of days really sucked. I feel like s**t. I'm going to bed.
Spring-The Goddess Fest
Well, anyway, Its not really The Goddess Fest. Its this thing called "Blessing of Beauty", which sort of reminds me of the Goddess Fest at first glance. In truth, it isnt much like the Goddess Fest I know, at all.
I guess its okay though, even though it was -obviously- made for girls.
Flowers weres -everywhere-. Makes me wonder where the hell they got them all. You dont think there's such a thing as a flower farm, do you? They didn't seem fake. Even the girls pass out flowers. To everyone. (But me).
That one girl.. um... Tya... Kya? Ya-something. The Cop lady. She was there, and in a skirt. She threw a flower in my face. It was a Daisy. One of the big white ones with the dusty yellow middle. Its already wilted a bit, daisys don't last long, I think, but it cheered me up a little. I had been having a pretty bad day before hand. That, and seeing all the girls burry Juno with flowers and walk right past me was kind of... annyoing. I mean, I dont like flowers, really! But, still! It was just. It sucked. Thanks for thinking about me, ladys. Not.
So yeah. It was pretty cool of Lya to give me -something-. That and she didn't beat up Juno or anything back during the 8th of Spring. She's still -really- weird, but she's okay for a crazy cop lady.
I really wish I knew what "fugitive" ment, though...
On another note, the other cop, Arthur? He's related to the ghost girl. Rose? Oh yeah, she was also the goddess.
Not really, though. I mean. She represented the goddess? Its some stupid thing they do around here. Play pretend of holy entitys. Whatever, I don't even want to touch that.
Well, anyway, it ment she was the star of the "blessing of beauty" fest. And the cop is related to her. And that same cop threw the goddess at me.
... hee.
SO AFTER THAT and we recovered and such. Uh. We danced. I know. Shut up. I sucked and I probably broke atleast three of her toes. Then she gave me a flower and I left... before, ya know. anyone saw that I was danceing and was planning on say anything...
...At least I didnt hit a girl with a flower basket!
Spring... something, or another.
The past few days have been uneventful, untill now. The goddess ghost lady came running into the forest like some mad lady, then threw herself under the tree I had been cutting. Since I know Juno will be wanting a barn sooner or later, prolly sooner since he knows the ranch has sheep babys now. I was cutting the wood now, so I could just get to it. Can never have enough wood stockpiled when your a carpender, right? The tree was a gonner anyway.
But yeah, The tree missed the crazy Goddess-Ghost-Rose-Girl. Then she fainted. Then the doctor at the clinic and that jeark came up. Then I tryed to bring her back to the clinic, and Rose started -freaking out-. She was acting like she was drowning or something, I dont know. It was really weird. The Doctor said she was having a stroke or seizure or something like that. We managed to drag her down to the clinic. And after she woke up and seemed fine, I left, cause I didnt want Annika or Juno to chew me out or anything.
Other than that. Pretty dull. I guess I like this town, though. Its isnt -too- boring, atleast.
Thursday, Spring 17th (I actualy checked the calender today!)
Today was intresting. It started with me and juno looking for my fishing pole. I dropped it a while back, I think during the cop thing, and I made the fishing pole myself, so I wanted to find it. I know, I know. Its old and dirty and rough and reels poorly and has bad range... But Its a loyal pole. And I made it myself. And... Well... I'm proud of it. It was my first carpendry thing that was functional and worked! Of course... Grandpa said it had sucked, but skrew him.
We were having trouble finding it, though, and I was starting to get annoyed. We were infrount of the clinic, though, so decided to ask the doctor there if he'd seen it. His name is... Bale, or something?
We saw Rose, she was still in the Clinic from when she freaked out and almost got hit by a tree. She seemed much better! She had been listening to music in another room, and ran off to turn off the tape.
You know, I'm not sure why I didnt punch Juno. Cause it was -then- that he argued that the doctor was a mad scientist-doctor and was makeing zombys. and, it made sence, at the time. He was really distant, and kinda strange, somehow... And Rose had been running from him before...
Well. Some stuff happened, basicaly. I don't really wanna elaborate on it. Just... Juno. Yeah. Bushes don't make good landing pads. We saw Art and Marge, and Juno nearly RIPPED MY HAIR OUT. Oh, and then we found my fishing pole!
Well, after that Marge seemed to fall off the face of the earth (gee, she had a tendancy to vanash and appear alot) and I made sure my fishing pole was still working. It was, luckly, and I ended up snagging my hook on a pice of paper. Rose then came, and the paper was a picture and belonged to her, or something, I dont really know, cause I was kinda busy trying to keep my brain from being taken by Fale.
Then Juno fainted! I mean, I thought I was being bad for the situation, but Juno -fainted-! And.. Well. It scared me. I thought he had died or something!
If he ever faints again I'm kicking his stupid limp body.
Gale said that Juno wasnt dead, but fainted, though, and we were gonna drag him back from the clinic, but he woke up and started freaking out. Dejavu. But then Pale -punched- Juno, and though it wasnt kind of neat that a Doctor could fight, it wasnt cool that he was hitting Juno. Well, juno puched back, and they got into a fight. It was -really- stupid, basicaly. They were upsetting the girls and everything. After the guys stopped, the girls yelled at eachother a little, and marge beat on my arm a little, but it was okay, that didnt bother me much.
Rose then yelled at everyone to go to the Clinic, and well, we did. Then the doctor pulled out my stiches, and did other doctor-y things, and Juno had to clean his foot out, cause it was all infected. Rose helped the doctor alot, which was pretty cool, I guess. She left right after, though.
Male looked really weird with a black eye, though.
When me and Juno left, it was kind of weird, because margaret was there. She talked to Juno a little about medic school and being a vet or something, and asked juno to watch her sheep when he could. I kind of... refound my fishing pole, since I had to set it down to help fainted Juno, eariler, and then Marge sugested we go to the bar. Juno was all up for it.
It was when we were heading to the bar that something really... -weird- happened, though.
Margaret asked if we could "start over", or something. Im not sure what she ment, still. She then apologised for being... well, herself? It was kinda awkward, to say the least...
Well, the bar was kind of boring and uneventful, really. I just drank some water and kept to myself really. Then we all went home.
Juno's getting yelled at by Annika right now. She found about about his foot. I think she's worried or something. I don't know, girls get all weird when there emotional. I think Juno's grounded, though.
Well, I'm done, I'm gonna see if I can get to sleep. Night.
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