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Vell123's Journal
I love this game
The Baby of the bunch...
The one thing that really sucks the most about being on the high school track team... is being the freshmen Baby on the team. I mean there's nothing wrong because I get the most attention from upperclassmen(mainly girls) and from my coach... in my school I'm like a famous person. Everyone knows me and I'm considered popular... which sucks because people follow you and it so F@!#$* annoying... excuse me but it is... and thoses who wanna be popular, your better of with you friends. 3nodding Back to the baby thing though... I have more chin hair than everyone on my team except my captain sweatdrop , and they think of me as the baby because I'm the youngest... a freshman and I'm new to high school track. Oh well the only thing I can do is grow older than what I already am... and they are always giving me food, trying to make me fat stressed I don't appreciate that...

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