Where to begin? Merry (Almost) Christmas everybody! Tomarrow's Christmas Eve, and I'm very very excited... why, you say? Cause I know almost everything I'm getting, and it's awesome!
1. Complete collection of Fruits Basket Anime on DVD
2. Purple I-Pod Nano
3. Pokemon Wii Game + Wii Music (well, it's for the family, but!)
4. iTunes Gift Card
5. Barnes + Nobels Gift Card
Yeah, I have tons of relatives. ^^ So I'm happy.
Right now I'm listening to every single song in the history of the Broadway play 13; which, by the way, is second only to Wicked. We got great seats because there is a family friend's son who is actually in it! If anyone's seen it, his name is Eamon. He was Richie (aka the guy who sang that really high note in Bad, Bad News.) That was the best!
So have a Merry (Almost!) Christmas Pre-Eve! (If that makes sense...)
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