The tale of camping in Portola State Park 2012, to the best of my recollection...
Day 1: Left around 2. Almost sick on the way over. Got there around 3. Worried about showering. Only use bathroom twice a day. Afraid of going to bathroom at night because of slenderman. Lol. Level ground for air mattress and tent. I crack open Tezuka's Book of Human Insects. Friend and her family come around 5. Neighboring campsite busted for pot usage and not having a reservation. Joke about "Pantsexual" friend. (The sexuality is tight in the crotch and makes you wanna pass on your jeans.) Played dirty bananagrams with my friend (Basically bananagram tiles arranged however you please. Almost like scrabble, cept sans board and not many rules.) Turkey burgers for dinner. Helped set up. No dessert, because we were all tired and my friend was sick and went to bed right after dinner. Was having a reading competition with friend's Dad over who could read the most over the trip. He had brought newspapers and magazines, I had brought ALOT of books. It was apparent who would win. Me! When I went to get ready for bed I found that there was- GASP! Hot water in the bathroom. I cried internally in joy. There was a banana slug on the way to the bathroom. I later discovered that banana slugs were making a comeback. Saw alot of them. Got to bed around 10. Didn't sleep til past 11. I was laying in bed and reading... Eventually the air got so cold, my fingers were numb. No other choice. Cold til early morning. I had alot of dreams. It helped that I was wearing earplugs, too.
Day 2: Woke up around 1:15 P.M. You heard me. Got up groggy. Washed face with nice hot water. Peanut butter pretzels for breakfast. Cheezits. Lounge around and read. More dirty bananagrams. Lots of reading. Tacoes for dinner. Friend went to bed again. Had smores with friend's parents and my parents. Planned to go to beach tomorrow and read more, wake up at 10. I ponder why I hate humans so much. I realize and I accept and understand that there isn't anything I can do about it. I'll keep my tendancies to myself... So far I have managed to protect the part of my hair from mosquito bites.
Day 3: Woke up around 10. Got up. Washed. Dressed. Ate Brunch. Fretted over medicine for what I believe to be an infection that I had misplaced (Found it eventually that day before we left.) Family made huge fuss over jumpstarting friend's family's car. Went to San Gregorio beach with friend and her Dad. Foggy. Sat on beach towels and read while friend and her Dad napped. Walked around, went to a general store on the way back. Ate an its it, but left behind the cookie. I thought an its it was a chocolate chip cookie, not granola! There's just no way to make oatmeal good for me. Not even slathering it with chocolate and premium vanilla ice cream. Went back to camp. Got into swimsuit and went to the showers up the road as the ones nearby suck a**. One quarter gives you 2 minutes of a strong stream of not too hot not too cold water. I took six quarters and only used 3. Thorough and amazing clean and loved it alot. Went back. Dried off and got dressed again. FINALLY cracked open my new copies of Tezuka's Princess Knight. Pasta for dinner. Friend finally stays up for smores. Finish Princess Knight. Get ready for bed. Read in bed. Not so cold. Went to bed at midnight. I'd leave tomorrow.
Final Day: Got up at 9 on final day. Stayed in pjs. Had cocoa. Packed up and left by around 11:30. Saw two vultures in a dead tree on the way back. After I got home I unpacked and planned to see my friend on the 13th... Also, buncha s**t went wrong on my computer. No idea why. I discovered I emptied my inbox on gaia that had a few important documents in it. Shitshitshit. Then gaia worked on firefox for a bit then I kept on getting error 400s bad requests. No ******** idea why. It's still doing it, too. Then flash ******** up and broke and java updated. I had to system restore to my last critical save point. It fixed everything but the error 400s. A little while before I wrote this I ended up downloading chrome and bettergaia for it to help speed things along on my routine. Here I am at almost 3 AM and I'm still not done with my work... Sigh.
Overall, camping was a positive thing. I am very happy and satisfied, though I have a couple bites on my face and bites all over my arms and legs... They'll heal soon.
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