Hey everyone! ^_^
Alright, I sort of took this outline from my best mate, Laura/Penanna. But hey, she's quite bright.
My name is Barry C. Conley, I was born on August 25th, 1986 (making me 18 years young). I am 5'10 tall and I average of 150 lbs. I have dark hair, light tan skin, and brown eyes. As some dear once said, "I am Selectively Emotional" Uhh... most would consider my personality "Unique and Determined"
Some of my interests include: Computers, Anime, Theatre, Japan, Angels, England, Star Wars, Cosplaying, and Interactive Media. Oh yes... and Music! Ya can't he for real if you don't like some kind of music.
One thing I often always do is work myself sick, litterly. I tend to not care about my own personal needs, while I struggle for hlping others to get their needs. Not very healthly, but I get around. I care more about my friends then myself. =/
S p e c i f i c s
01. Do you do drugs? -- Nope, expect the drugs the doctor told me to take.
02. What kind of shampoo do you use? -- Anything Mom buys at the store. However I did find this one shampoo that I really liked. It was blue and smelled like the rainforest. ^_^
03. What are you most scared of? -- Dying Alone, losing a friend that I could have prevented, disappointing everyone who looks up to me, and letting my emotions get the better of me.
04. What are you listening to right now? -- Suiten Fur Violoncello
05. Who is the last person that called you? -- Kathryn Lee Punches. 3nodding
06. Where do you want to get married? -- In one of those old fashion churches, or outside. Which ever.
07. How many buddies are online right now? -- Too many! More then 20.
08. What would you change about yourself? -- Nothing, I like myself the way I am. But I would like it if I didn't get sick. =P
09. Any tattoos or piercings? -- Hell no.
F a v o r i t e
01. color: -- Black, Silver, and Ice Blue
02. food: -- Pasta =D
03. boys' names: -- Karou, Kasmo, and uhh... well I like how unique my name is.
04. girls' names: -- Isabella, Laura, Kasondra, Kathryn, and Brittani.
05. subjects in school: -- English Language, Sociology, Biology, and Government.
06. animals: -- Foxes, Penguins, Praying Mantises, Blade Eagles, and Nile Crocodiles. Probably more but I can't think of them. =P
H a v e | Y o u | E v e r
01. given anyone a bath? -- Well.. Kathryn (my girlfriend) and I have bathed together. That has got to count for something. sweatdrop
02. smoked? -- I utterly hate cigerettes!!
03. bungee jumped? -- Never have done it, but I'll try it.
04. made yourself throw up? -- Nope
05. skinny dipped? -- Yes... many times.
06: ever been in love? -- I was...once, a long time ago.
07. made yourself cry to get out of trouble? -- When I was younger I believe so.
08. pictured your crush naked? -- O=)
09. actually seen your crush naked? -- Oh yea! wink
10. cried when someone died? -- Yes. =(
11. lied? -- Of course, it's be a lie to say you never lied.
12. fallen for your best friend? -- yea... =/
14. rejected someone? -- Saddly yes, and it wasn't easy.
15. used someone? -- Nope, i wouldn't have the heart to.
16. done something you regret? -- A few things, but I don't look back and dwell on them.
C u r r e n t
clothes: -- Black sliky button up shirt with the sleeves rolled back to the elbow, black jeans with a chain on the left side and the pantlgs rolled inside the pants to just below the knees. Black knee-high socks pulled up to the rolled up pant legs, and shoes. Oh yea, a Dark groved on my left arm that goes up to the elbow. A elbow pad to hold it up and another smaller glove on tome of the longer grove (for grabbing stuff).
music: -- 'T.A.T.U - All the things she said (extension 119 club vocal mix)'
make-up: -- Non is on me right now, Only when I'm on stage.
annoyance: -- People.
smell: -- I can't smell too well at the moment, I have a cold.
favorite artist: -- I'm not sure. I like alot of artist. So to name off a few of them: Blink 182, Avril Lavigne, Simple Plan, Orchestrals, Prodigy, and T.A.T.U. Just to name off a few. =3
favorite group: -- Oh God, just look to the preivous question >.o
desktop background: -- zyx007_jpg_wp__1096514660___67085f13 (Yuri- Two girls are laying on the floor stairing up at the ceilling (ei: the camera). One wears white strap-on pantie-hos and corcept, and a nurse's hat. The other one wears black strap-on pantie-hos, a red loosen tie around her neck and a lab-cost.)
book you're reading: -- Jerry Seinfeld - SeinLanguage
cd in player: -- A CD I burned myself, composed of many insturmental songs.
dvd in player: -- None at the moment. I usarally put my DVDs away when I'm done. neutral
L a s t | P e r s o n
you touched: -- Meowith, my cat.
hugged: -- Kathryn
you imed: -- Laura/Penanna
you yelled at: -- Some idiot at school.
A r e | Y o u
understanding: -- It's a gift I sometimes let get the better of me.
open-minded: -- Very much so. =)
arrogant: -- We are all Arrogant, that's how we learn.
insecure: -- Yea, I get alittle up-tight and paranoid sometimes. But Kathryn is fixing this.
interesting: -- Well... everyone says I'm very unique. sweatdrop
random: -- Impulse is my middle name! =D
hungry: -- Nearly 90% of the day...but yet i can't get fat. neutral
moody: -- Meh... I have my moments.
hardworking: -- Kathryn says I overwork myself too hard and my body is screaming to take a break and care about itself.
organized: -- Well... thanks to Vata-02 (my PC), I am more organized then anyone I know.
healthy: -- For the most part of things, I am a very healthy person, but I'm sure something is broken and I don't know about.
shy: -- Hardly, I am the person who makes the first move normally. wink
difficult: -- Oh yes... many times. xd
attractive: -- *shrugs* I'm happy with the way I am, but I can't imagen what people see in me. neutral
bored easily: -- So boring... Can't....focus....argh.
messy: -- All great minds are messy people.
responsible: -- When I'm on my own, I am pretty responsible, but put on zero hours of sleep, super glue, a friend, and lots boredom and we got ourselves a freaken party!! xd
obsessed: -- ...with? neutral
angry: -- With myself, or stupid mistakes. We all hate our stupid mistakes.
sad: -- I tend to be depressed, or thinking depressing thoughts. But that's how I make my art... and no. I'm not depressed right now. Just tired. =P
disappointed: -- Only with the things I can't change.
Happy: --I show happiness, but right now I'm just tired.
hyper: -- No, I'm not insane at all... I'm just on a never ending sugar rage. wink
trusting: -- Sometimes too trusting.
talkative: -- "If it's one thing Barry Conley is quite good at, it's that he's a very socialible person."
W h o | D o | Y o u | W a n n a
kill: -- Don't ask... the answer may be confusing.
slap: -- Mrs. Larabee
get high with: -- My homie G. xd El oh El, but seriously. What kind of a stupid question is that?
look like: -- Myself, because I like the way I look.
R a n d o m
in the morning i am: -- Surprisingly cheerful and awake.
all i need is: -- To love and be loved in return.
love is: -- Pointless for those who don't accept it.
i dream about: -- Anything, Everything and Nothing.
W h i c h | I s | B e t t e r
coke or pepsi: -- Pepsi, duh!
flowers or candy: -- Uhh... Flowers.
tall or short: -- Both have their purposes.
O p p o s i t e | S e x
what do you notice first: -- The person's aura.
who do you have a crush on: -- Two people to be honest, and it's a rather differcult love triangle.
who has a crush on you: -- Lots of people acturally. sweatdrop
D o | Y o u | E v e r
wish you were younger: -- Sometimes I wish i were 6 years old again.
cry because someone said something to you: -- Yes. =(
F i n a l | Q u e s t i o n s
do you like filling these out: -- It's alright. It acturally took me two days because I am busy. I just filled this out on my free time.
gold or silver: -- SILVER!!! ALWAYS SILVER!!!!
what was the last film you saw at the movies: Sahrara, with my father. It wasn't bad.
favourite cartoon: Some of the cartoons are so stupid they are funny. Like Futurama and Family Guy.
what did you have for breakfast this morning: Two bowls of ceral, and my medication.
could you live without your computer: -- I tried... but I need Vata-02!!!
would you color your hair: -- I always wanted to put a silver strik on the left side of my head.
like watching sunrises or sunsets: -- I love sunrises, because it brings forth a new day. ^_^
![]() Talon Nokone Community Member ![]() |