
Alicia was born into the Hien Clan, They were the Fox Spirit clan, and the most respected one in the Anima Race. Her mother died giving birth to her and she became the only heir to the Family, and inherited her anima form from her mother. After her father refused to remarry, he trained her every day since she could walk and sent her away at age 6 to school for war training. She also had one of the most rare gifts in her race. Each Anima Spirit also had two powers that came with it, Hers were the ability to control flames, and see the future… Which made her a valuable weapon in the fight against the Dragons, but also the biggest target…
At School, Alicia was admired for being beautiful and strong. She became the Student Council President, and takes her job seriously. She is responsible for the student’s, and in charge of protecting them during attacks on the school, as well as other affairs.
It was the beginning of a new school year. She had once again stayed all summer break at the school, living in the dorm building that was located in the town that surrounded the castle, and doing paper work. She had lost her partner, because they had been killed in the last year, defending Alicia from the dragons.
She looked at the cleared Vice President’s desk, Alicia thought about who her knew partner/dorm mate would be, and the fact that She would have to train a new Vice President irritated her. She didn’t know if it was going to be a transfer student, or one who was already studying at the school, there were more of them around the world.
She groaned, as she sat in the dark office, her head in her hands. She was tired of pretending to be perfect, but she didn’t want anyone else to die for her, it killed her inside that her last partner gave their life for her, and she couldn’t prevent it. She sat up and looked out the window, and down at the Male students, and Female sutdents… and sighed, the poor fool should be coming up to the student council office soon.... She turned back to the door, watching it, and waiting for him.
((I would like a male please, and if you have questions, feel free to ask. PM to continue))

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Welcome one and all, to Tianxia city! A thriving metropolis, with the best schools, hospitals, and entertainment, int the entire world! Not to mention it plays home city to Tianxia Corp, responsible for the top electronics, in our world, like the New Hypercycle, and the helpful NANNY Robots. On vacation? Why not try our beautiful beaches, and ocean side resorts? Or perhaps our ever popular casino's*?
But lets not forget, why Tianxia City is ever so popular? It's the only city in the world, where street fighting* is legal! We also have many tournaments held through out the year, along with our ever popular, World Fighting Tournament*, held at the top of Mount Olympus!
So come on out, to Tianxia city! We hope you enjoy your stay!
*Must be over the age of 18 to participate in gambling, drinking, fighting and smoking in Tianxia City.
It's the year 2352, the world has just finished experiencing WWIII. The world's reserves of Oil and Gas ran out 200 years ago, and thus began the longest war in history, and it soon came to an end in 2265. The main lands were devastated, and so was each country, making the war come to an end peacefully. The countries soon rebuilt themselves, and prospered, all thanks to the Tianxia family. They original owner, Devon Tianxia, and his wife, Cheryl. They were deeply in love, and had a son, named Shin. They were the ones who started Project Tianxia City.
The City was built in the middle of the pacific ocean, around an artificially made mountain they name Mount Olympus. It became it's own state, and soon after the couple and their son, named the city after them. many years passed, and the boy grew up, and found him self love, with a woman named Emma.
Shin and Emma lived happily, and took over running Tianxia. They had an elected Mayor, but the Tianxia family was like their royal family, merely figure heads. They also ran their company, that made many things, form Hospital supplies, to resorts all over the world, to their specially designed electric cars. But what no one realized, was that the City seemed to have a special power around it, a power, that attracted martial artists.... Boxers.... wrestlers... and anyone who liked a good fight. People felt stronger in Tianxia city, which had become larger and larger over the years and was now bigger than all the Hawaiian islands put together. It didn't take long, before people started to notice they could manifest their Ki, into beasts, their spiritual animals....
Shin and Emma, soon had a baby girl, after they were married. They named her Alicia, and loved her dearly. But their small happy family, did not last long.... Some one had become Jealous... and had Shin and Emma assassinated, leaving their 5 year old girl, to grow up all alone in the world, all alone in Tianxia city....
Tianxia city, soon became divided into four sections, each ruled by the strongest fighter in that section. The north was the Genbu Section, the South was the Suzaku section, The West was the Byakko section, and the East was the Seiryuu section.
As the girl Alicia grew up, a fighter known as the Black Dragon appeared. No one ever saw their face, or knew who they were, just that, when you saw the black dragon, or heard it's screech, you knew you were going to be beaten. The Black dragon soon became the strongest fighter in Tianxia city, and when balance had been restored among the four leaders of the sections, they disappeared.....
Alicia sighed as she walked around her large living room, wearing tall black boots, a short black skirt, a white tank top, and a nice leather jacket. Her hair was long and wavy with out braiding the longer layers. She had on a pair of slick dark sunglasses, as she pulled her worn old canvas bag over her shoulder. She turned her head to look out the large window, that was tinted for her privacy, though, she was on top of the tallest building in the city.... She smiled a bit as she looked out over it, while walking over to the window. She loved the city.... This was what connected her to her parents.... She lived in Unified Korea for a while, before she moved back here... It was time for her to start university, which was closer to the mountain that was on the only thing that was larger than her building.
"Time to roll...." She said with a smile as she walked to a wall of keys, and grabbed the set for her Hypercycle. She went to the elevator, the only way in and out of her apartment.... She took the elevator down to the bottom, then inserted a special key in a panel on the side, before it descended further, into a parkade. She stepped out, her boots clicking on the pavement; as she headed over to her Hypercycle, and sat on the seat. She pulled on the sleek black helmet, before she turned her baby on, and zoomed towards the exit, that would come out, in a different parkade a block over.
When she was out on the streets, she zoomed in between cars as she went, and admired them. She had designed a few of the most popular models herself.
"Time to roll...." She said with a smile as she walked to a wall of keys, and grabbed the set for her Hypercycle. She went to the elevator, the only way in and out of her apartment.... She took the elevator down to the bottom, then inserted a special key in a panel on the side, before it descended further, into a parkade. She stepped out, her boots clicking on the pavement; as she headed over to her Hypercycle, and sat on the seat. She pulled on the sleek black helmet, before she turned her baby on, and zoomed towards the exit, that would come out, in a different parkade a block over.
When she was out on the streets, she zoomed in between cars as she went, and admired them. She had designed a few of the most popular models herself.
((pm me to continue. Alicia is the Black Dragon. would prefer a male.))

18 years ago there was a knight, Called the Crimson Knight, he fought valiantly on the battle field to protect the king that he had fought beside since he was a child. He was 21 years old, and married to a lady of the court, and a good friend of the Queen. His wife was pregnant, and they were as happy as could be, except that she was due any day, and he was fighting in a war. He wanted to get home, to see his child, Son or Daughter he would be the proudest father around. He clashed swords with an enemy that tried to sneek up on his King.
Mean while, in the castle, the Queen was beside a woman, the knight's beloved wife, who was going into labor with her child. The queen was holding her own child, the Prince of the country, who was born 5 months before. He was crying because of the screaming in the room, but the Queen had been adament on being in the room with her friend, She had already been named God Mother of the woman's child.
And then The woman stopped screaming, and there was another child's cry in the room. The Doctor held up the baby in the cloth, and smiled, "M'lady, Your Highness, It's a girl."
"Oh... Oh..." the new mother looked so happy, as she looked at her daughter, and watched the help clean her off, before handing her to the Lady. She held her new born daughter in her arms tenderly, and stroked her head, "She's beautiful... Look Anne..."
"Oh Tris... She truly is..." The Queen stepped forwards, and as the two babies got closer to each other, they looked at each other, and they were silent. The 5 month old reached a hand out, and took the other child's hand and the two babies fell asleep in their mother's arms.
When the father returned home he beamed with pride at his daughter and his wife, he truly was happy. Years and years later, they never had another child, They lived in a mansion not far from the castle, Her father raising his daughter as a Knight and a Lady of the Court.
"Alicia Crimson," Her father said to her, as they rested after a hard day of training when she was 8. "You are the most wonderful daughter a father could ever ask for... And I'm proud to call you my successor in the court."
As the years went on, Alicia and the Prince were the best of friends, and spent most of their time together, be it at the castle or her mansion home. She trained with him, and when she was of age, she was knighted by him, Her name was Lady Alicia Crimson, The Rose Knight. The name was a symbol, She was Beautiful, but had thorns.
In the present, She was on her horse, riding along a dirt path towards the capital, wearing black riding pants, a white tunic, and a dark brown cloak to cover herself as she road, with her hair up in a pony tail to stay out of her face. She was also wearing minimal armor and her sword was at her hip as usual. She road into the town, and smiled at the people who said greetings to her. She went up to the gates, and she smiled at the guards who let her by. Times were iffy these days, what with a war about to break out with a country they had been fighting with for a long time on and off. She dismounted at the stables, and she went into the castle, she was greeted by the maids and the ladies who walked by with smiles and cheerful hello's. She continued walking, looking around for her child hood friend whom she swore her life to protect. She stopped in the hall that passed the garden, and she scratched her head, "Where are you..." she said, as she looked around.
Mean while, in the castle, the Queen was beside a woman, the knight's beloved wife, who was going into labor with her child. The queen was holding her own child, the Prince of the country, who was born 5 months before. He was crying because of the screaming in the room, but the Queen had been adament on being in the room with her friend, She had already been named God Mother of the woman's child.
And then The woman stopped screaming, and there was another child's cry in the room. The Doctor held up the baby in the cloth, and smiled, "M'lady, Your Highness, It's a girl."
"Oh... Oh..." the new mother looked so happy, as she looked at her daughter, and watched the help clean her off, before handing her to the Lady. She held her new born daughter in her arms tenderly, and stroked her head, "She's beautiful... Look Anne..."
"Oh Tris... She truly is..." The Queen stepped forwards, and as the two babies got closer to each other, they looked at each other, and they were silent. The 5 month old reached a hand out, and took the other child's hand and the two babies fell asleep in their mother's arms.
When the father returned home he beamed with pride at his daughter and his wife, he truly was happy. Years and years later, they never had another child, They lived in a mansion not far from the castle, Her father raising his daughter as a Knight and a Lady of the Court.
"Alicia Crimson," Her father said to her, as they rested after a hard day of training when she was 8. "You are the most wonderful daughter a father could ever ask for... And I'm proud to call you my successor in the court."
As the years went on, Alicia and the Prince were the best of friends, and spent most of their time together, be it at the castle or her mansion home. She trained with him, and when she was of age, she was knighted by him, Her name was Lady Alicia Crimson, The Rose Knight. The name was a symbol, She was Beautiful, but had thorns.
In the present, She was on her horse, riding along a dirt path towards the capital, wearing black riding pants, a white tunic, and a dark brown cloak to cover herself as she road, with her hair up in a pony tail to stay out of her face. She was also wearing minimal armor and her sword was at her hip as usual. She road into the town, and smiled at the people who said greetings to her. She went up to the gates, and she smiled at the guards who let her by. Times were iffy these days, what with a war about to break out with a country they had been fighting with for a long time on and off. She dismounted at the stables, and she went into the castle, she was greeted by the maids and the ladies who walked by with smiles and cheerful hello's. She continued walking, looking around for her child hood friend whom she swore her life to protect. She stopped in the hall that passed the garden, and she scratched her head, "Where are you..." she said, as she looked around.
((Please be the Prince, Your reply DOES NOT have to be this long, but I would appreciate no one liners. If you have questions you may as. PM me to RP.))

She was running, people were chasing her.... Except they weren't people but angels, demons, and other kinds of creatures. They were saying something about her 'Heart stone', What ever that was, but she knew if they got what they wanted, she might not exist anymore.
'This way...' A voice called as she turned her head, and saw a hand reaching out to her from the shadows. She blinked, as she reached out, and took it, and she was yanked into the shadows, and the shrieking and yelling for her to stop, was gone. She then realized her eyes were closed, and she opened them, and looked up. She was holding a firm, large warm hand, and she noticed it belonged to a man with black hair, and black wings...
'Don't be alarmed...' He said, but didn't... his mouth didn't move, 'I will protect you...' He said, and she blinked, as he kissed her fore head.
She sat up in her bed, blinking. Her long red hair was a mess, as she tried to figure out the dream she had every night. She got out of her bed, and she went to the bathroom to shower before she got dressed for school. She brushed out her long wet hair, and dried it too, before she put on her school uniform. A white shirt, a off green skirt, and beige sweater. She put her hair up, and she smiled at her appearance. She had pale skin, and she loved her long red hair. She picked up her bag, they were allowed to have any accessories or bags they wanted, so she wore a black belt, and some bracelets, along with a necklace that had a dark red ruby set in it. It was her grandmothers. She straightened out her yellow ribbons in her hair, and her yellow ribbon on her uniform, before she went down stairs. She saw her little brother sitting at the table, eating some cereal, and her mother just coming in from the night shift at the hospital. She was handed the keys to the car, and given a kiss on the cheek.
"Mom, I'm 17, not 5, stop doing that," Alicia said, rubbing her cheek, and her mother laughed before going up stairs to sleep. She looked down at her 10 year old brother, and smiled a bit, as he ate. She grabbed herself some toast and juice, and downed it all quickly, before she left with her brother. She dropped him off at the elementary school, and told him when she would pick him up, before she left for the high school a few blocks away. She parked in the student parking lot, before she got out, and went into the school. She got some of her books from her locker, and put them in her bag that had all kinds of patches and pins all over it about world peace, hello kitty and stupid people. She started walking to her class room, till she saw her friend Emily stand by some lockers alone, watching a group of girls.
"What's up?" Alicia asked, and Emily looked at her friend, and she pointed at the girls.
"They are talking about some hot new guy," Emily told her friend, "apparently Natasha saw him earlier, and says she is in love..." the small blonde girl shrugged her shoulders, and Alicia laughed a bit, and then looked up when all the girls gasped, and were staring down the hall. Both Alicia and Emily turned to look at what they were staring at, and they spotted the new guy.
'This way...' A voice called as she turned her head, and saw a hand reaching out to her from the shadows. She blinked, as she reached out, and took it, and she was yanked into the shadows, and the shrieking and yelling for her to stop, was gone. She then realized her eyes were closed, and she opened them, and looked up. She was holding a firm, large warm hand, and she noticed it belonged to a man with black hair, and black wings...
'Don't be alarmed...' He said, but didn't... his mouth didn't move, 'I will protect you...' He said, and she blinked, as he kissed her fore head.
She sat up in her bed, blinking. Her long red hair was a mess, as she tried to figure out the dream she had every night. She got out of her bed, and she went to the bathroom to shower before she got dressed for school. She brushed out her long wet hair, and dried it too, before she put on her school uniform. A white shirt, a off green skirt, and beige sweater. She put her hair up, and she smiled at her appearance. She had pale skin, and she loved her long red hair. She picked up her bag, they were allowed to have any accessories or bags they wanted, so she wore a black belt, and some bracelets, along with a necklace that had a dark red ruby set in it. It was her grandmothers. She straightened out her yellow ribbons in her hair, and her yellow ribbon on her uniform, before she went down stairs. She saw her little brother sitting at the table, eating some cereal, and her mother just coming in from the night shift at the hospital. She was handed the keys to the car, and given a kiss on the cheek.
"Mom, I'm 17, not 5, stop doing that," Alicia said, rubbing her cheek, and her mother laughed before going up stairs to sleep. She looked down at her 10 year old brother, and smiled a bit, as he ate. She grabbed herself some toast and juice, and downed it all quickly, before she left with her brother. She dropped him off at the elementary school, and told him when she would pick him up, before she left for the high school a few blocks away. She parked in the student parking lot, before she got out, and went into the school. She got some of her books from her locker, and put them in her bag that had all kinds of patches and pins all over it about world peace, hello kitty and stupid people. She started walking to her class room, till she saw her friend Emily stand by some lockers alone, watching a group of girls.
"What's up?" Alicia asked, and Emily looked at her friend, and she pointed at the girls.
"They are talking about some hot new guy," Emily told her friend, "apparently Natasha saw him earlier, and says she is in love..." the small blonde girl shrugged her shoulders, and Alicia laughed a bit, and then looked up when all the girls gasped, and were staring down the hall. Both Alicia and Emily turned to look at what they were staring at, and they spotted the new guy.
((Pm to continue, no one liners. Ask as many questions as you like.))