Lonely Heart
By Katherine
She awoke, rubbing her chilled arms while trying to make herself warmer. Goosebumps again? She thought silently to herself in her darkened, cold bedroom, all alone in her gigantic house. She lived completely alone, night after night, as long as she could possibly remember, and had never met a single soul. She had been having the same nightmare week after week. If you are thinking she is normal, you are far from right. Her name is Sophie Cromwell, and she is 18 years of age. She can not live with or like anyone, or she would more than likely die a very painful, excruciating, horrible death. She has lived by unusual rules her whole life. Sophie fends by drinking animal blood. Is she a Vampire? Obviously. You would not want to meet her, even if your life depended on it. But one special yet life-changing day, that all changed.
Chapter one, The very cold, hard day.
He scanned the house with his curious eyes, unaware of the dangers inside of it that could ruin lives. The late December air was much colder than normal, so much that his back hair stood straight up, and he was freezing, sure he would die from frost bite.
He walked at a slow yet quick pace up to the house, feet shuffling against cold hard pavement, and gently knocked on the door. After what seemed like hours, Sophie opened the door. She started to hurl questions at him like bee's angrily chasing after a bear that stole their honey. “Who are you? What do you want? Can’t you see the sign saying this is forbidden property, go in at your own risk?!” She yelled, getting pissed at his sudden, weird appearance.
“I am John, and you must be Sophie. We were both born of similar blood, and we are both of the Vampire race. I’ve been dying to meet the only Vampire that won’t show herself to the rest of the terrified, un-wanting world. I know this is forbidden property, of course. I used to live here before some little mischievous, unusual little girl was born, and caused so much doom I had to leave my house to her. I am no one but an admirer wondering how you have survived without killing any mortals, or setting this whole ungrateful forest and horrible house on fire," John replied, smiling at the sharp, twisted edges of his mouth. “I also know, for a fact, if you run away, you’ll surely die then revive your own self. I am very fond of you, and I have watched you ever since you took my decent home, or at least, it seemed that way."
“What to do mean by that? If it is supposed to mean something bad, you'll regret this day. Well, either way, I don’t know you, and I believe I don't want to. I’ve survived by managing my power single-handed and drinking animal blood instead of the semi-sweet tasting blood from humans. Now, if you will excuse me, I need to find something to eat, since I just awoke because of your presence, and am very hungry,” Sophie half-heartedly replied, not returning the smile. “If you think I am anything like you, you have no idea who I am, so go back to your pitiful home in that cold, hard city so that I can eat, then go back to sleep for a long while.” Sophie finished proudly. She started to close the door, when he grabbed her, pulled her down, and kissed her affectionately. She kissed him back, romantically. It was unconditional, and they showed a lot of love for each other, just by that one, unexpected, beautiful kiss.
They both felt like they could never break away. After five whole minutes had passed, they finally stopped and stared into each other’s eyes. They showed desire for more. They heard a car door slam shut and ran inside the house, hurriedly locking the closed door behind them. John stared into Sophie's eyes again, and lost himself in dazzling amazement. Sophie started to giggle, and smiled lovingly. They were in love, even though they only had known each other for those few minutes that felt like seconds, or so Sophie thought.
John had loved her ever since he had first met her, which was when he was four and she was one year old. So, you could just imagine how crazy he was for Sophie's heart, and she wanted his, too, in more ways than one. He was three years older than her, but that didn’t make any differences at all. It was love for her from first sight. John standed outside her home, brave enough to knock. She had known of his spying, and kind of liked someone watching over her.
After that one special day, they talked while it was light, and drank their animal blood when it turned to night. They loved everything about each other, and it was so sweet you would just want to die if it was not you. Too bad that most of all sweet things must end.
Chapter two, The unexpected death
She looked down after staring at his eyes for 10 minutes. He started kissing her again, then asked what the matter was. “Nothing” She replied quickly, looking away and then back. She grabbed his head quickly, and brought his mouth towards her, giving him the best kiss she had ever given him. “I just want you to know John, if I ever die, I love you.” Sophie lied in a way that he wouldn't notice.“I love you too Sophie” He replied, bringing her in for a deeper, more romantic kiss.
They had kissed for 10 more wasteful minutes of their time. Finally Sophie looked up. “What would you do if I would ever die John?” She asked. “I would mourn for days, and place you in a coffin and bury you under the ground in the trees, putting things around it, so animals would not dig you up and eat you. Then I would give instructions for someone to do the same to me, right after I would kill myself, and tell them to make sure that no one ever goes onto this property again when they were done. Would you do the same thing for me?” John asked. “I would do exactly the same thing.” Sophie lied yet again. “I’m going to go take a shower.” She continued, walking away and leaving John in wonder. When she finished, they both went to sleep in the same bed. Well, at least John went to sleep.
Sophie woke up in the middle of the night and went downstairs. She found a knife and something that would make her mortal. I have no friends, and I have stopped loving John. She thought to herself. She brought the thing that would make her mortal in front of her heart and stabbed her self, letting it go at the last stab. Before she died she hide the thing that would make her mortal, took the knife and cut herself, put the blood over where she used the thing to make her mortal and made it look like she killed herself. She wasn’t going to try to see John again.
John woke up. It was morning. He looked over to his side and didn’t see Sophie there. Where is she? He thought to himself, going downstairs. Then, he saw Sophie lying on the ground, appearing to be dead. “Sophie!!!” He yelled, starting to cry. She was "dead", and he had to find her murderer. He looked closely at her body and saw blood in her hands. She murdered herself? He thought, looking at the body again. But why? He asked himself painfully. I should’ve been paying more attention to how she was acting. That’s it! He started looking around the house, and eventually found a diary. Before he read it, he put her in a coffin and buried her in the woods.
She woke up and saw she was in a coffin. She knocked on it and some dirt fell in. So he had buried her. She knew he hadn’t done anything else. She could tell he was reading her diary at this exact moment, looking for clues. She was right.
He looked down at her diary and saw nothing on the pages. DAMNIT!!! WHY ME?! He screamed to his own mind. He started crying. “Why me?” He said blankly to himself, of course with no answer.
Sophie kicked the coffin and finally got out of the ground. She closed the coffin and covered the hole with dirt. She ran all the way to the fresh, new mall, panting for breath. She didn’t hunger for humans anymore. She was obviously happy, so she changed her name to Susan, just Susan, and changed her hair color and style. She also changed clothing, and took a shower in the mall’s gym. She changed back into her new clothes that she had bought, and found a job that would make her earn enough money to buy a new house. She found a very nice house in Montana, and moved there with everything new she got. Montana was very, very far from where she had lived, so she didn’t have to worry about John anymore. She had turned 19 on the day she “Died” so she decided to start taking an online college, Harvard to be exact.
John felt like he couldn’t live without her on the outside, but was secretly very happy on the inside. He had secretly stopped loving her days ago, but just didn’t want to tell her. He was blinded by himself and started to think if she really loved him the pass couple of days. Of course! He thought to himself. She must've stopped loving me also! He said to himself in what was once his blank mind. He laughed in happiness. She died, and he had what was once his house back. Little did he know that she was going to come back into his life very soon.
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