【 ★】CRAVING merci beaucoup
【 ☂ 】thank you deary
- 【 ★】bust or chibi set: any of these characters, and Raj
【 ✿ 】JACK AND NORTHROP -- back to back, surrounded by government officials, looking very badass and awesome with Jack clawing at them and Northrop holding a very large gun.
【 ★】JACK-- bloody and battered up after a fight/battle
【 ☂ 】JACK -- emotional picture where he looks very depressed and 'oh woe is me'-like
【 ✿ 】JACK furious, with hair floating and veins popping, super buffed up, his eyes all white
【 ☂ 】RAJ chillaxing, smoking his pipe
【 ★】RAJ and FUERY being cuddly or angry/rough
【 ☂ 】Vintage looking fly, seductive and cool
【 ★】VINTAGE and ANTIQUE doing something naughty or cute
【 ☂ 】TOM looking for something or making a heroic pose
【 ☂ 】JERRY being rad and just chill
【 ★】 JERRY and TOM being cute
【 ✿ 】MOBY wrestling a shark
【 ★】LE MARCHA cracking a whip, riding a chariot pulled by lions or a lion
【 ✿ 】LE MARCHA doing anything chivalrous
【 ★】MINK in all three of his forms or just one... doesn't matter.
【 ★】Droid laying against the wall, looking dejected, broken and overall like a pile of crap.
【 ★】MINK and Droid sitting on a hill, snuggling
【 ★】MINK and Droid comforting each other... naughtily
- 【 ★】JERRY licking Tom dry after a thunderstorm that Tom just had to play in... leading to some naughty business
【 ✿ 】JACK attempting to commit suicide and NORTHROP coming to the rescue and slapping him around a bit
【 ★】VINTAGE and ANTIQUE remembering each other after their separation. make me cry
【 ★】ANYTHING THAT WILL BRING A TEAR TO MY EYE -- esp couples and if it's angsty
【 ☂ 】MOBY -- adventure story, or him finding and wrestling a shark