Played by: Warren Pieced
Twin: Azurite Morsael
Played by: Whyspar_rain
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Age: 20 years young
Appearance: We are mirror images of each other. SO, her left eye is my right and so on. 5'o,curvy, very pale skin, with raven black hair that looks purple if the light
hits it just right. Their left eye is a deep blue, while their right is an emerald green. Azurite has a yang half of a yin-yang tatooed on her foot, while Jade has the yin
half. Both wear Black pump stilettos, a black silk corset with dark blue and green flowers embroidered into it, and blue jeans.
Personalities: Azurite is much more outgoing and friendly, and while Jade is just as friendly, she tends to be more introverted and keeps a bit more to herself.
Together, though, they are difficult to keep up with, both in conversation and hyperness.
Background: Born in Narbonne, France, their parents were unable to care for them so they adopted the two out to an indian family in Canada. (Which explains
the paleness with the Arabic surname.) Our birthday is December tenth. Azurite was born three minutes before Jade.
Abilities: Both sisters are telepathic, and though we prefer to stay inside our own minds, we can read others when needed.
Weapons: We're pretty decent at handling twin blades.