{ FAQs }
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Where did you get your profile? A: From, yours truly,DUH. i r made it >: D
Q: May I steal your profile? A: Absolutely not. stupidbitch
Q: DO YOU TAKE COMMISSIONS? A: No, I suck at keeping up with my agenda. I'm a procrastinator.
Q: Can you help me with my profile? A: If you ever have any questions regarding profile making, just go to the Profile Discussion. I guarantee you'll get a quicker response there than if you PM/message me. Otherwise, if you're looking for pre-made layouts, rose-colored is a good place to go.
Q: Why aren't you accepting my friend request? A: Sorry, I don't accept random friend requests.
Q: Can you make me a profile? A: No sorries.
Q: Do you give out freebies, wheee? A: No, sorry!
Q: How did you make your profile? A: I utilized my skills, to the best of my ability, my imaginative brain and my GREAT hand-eye coordination. But really, I used Adobe Photoshop CS5 for the graphics and my basic knowledge of CSS to code.
Q: How did you learn to make profiles/graphics? A: I learned on my own through various online self-help tutorials.
Q: Do you have a flicker? A: Why yes I do, Mi Flicker
Q: I see you play Second Life, whats your user name? A: Samii Haiku.
Q: Well damn do you play IMVU too? A: Yep, the name is samiisexx there. hehe sweatdrop but I swear I'm never on any more lol.
Q: Why aren't you answering my PMs? b***h scream A: It could be that I'm just lazy, procrastinating, or extremely busy... or perhaps the question you're asking is already here in the FAQs area. DUHSTUPIDBITCH
Q :z0mg!11 c4n y0u g!v3 m3 s0m3 g0!d? EW. *kicks*noob talk2hand
Q: Do you know where I can get a graphic editing program? Yes Adobe.com or you can download Gimp for free... or sumopaint.
Q: Do you have a tumblr? Yes My Tumblr Follow me biggrin
Q: Hey are you like??.. Before you ask I'm "Black - (Caribbean) And Spanish Mix".
Q: Oh cool so where are you from? I'm from Belize aka I'm Belizean so that makes me Caribbean.
Q: Wait! Haven't I seen you before? Oh! Thats right weren't you featured on gaia's home page on 5/31/2011? Why yes I was; Hehe biggrin See

SAMIIsoon · Wed Aug 25, 2010 @ 02:26am · 0 Comments |