One Gurls Misery
A single tear ran down her cheek as she sat there in the dark. Crying was the only way she could open up and vent all her feelings and worrys. She found it to hard to tell people what it was like at home, two people knew of the trouble she had. Those two people will never know how much they mean to her.. She wont let anyone hurt her anymore, she doesnt deserve the type of abuse she is getting, life is for living she would tell herself every night before she went off to sleep, Its the only way she manages to carry on with living.. The only way she can feel sure she can go on another day. The world is a cruel place to live when only a hand full of people care about you. Life is a cruel journey for those in trouble..
How can she tell her abuser she loves him? How can she carry on with life when no-one in the world realises she is how she is because she is in trouble? How many more arguments must she have before she gives up entirely?
They are only a few of the questions she had running around in her head.. How many more people must she fall-out with untill they realise she cares to much to get close to anyone? Why does it have to be her? What did she do in her past life to have such a horrible life now? So many questions and no time to answear them. Time and hope are running out for this girl, soon she wont want to exist anymore.. Soon she will want a “fresh” start. Soon she will take her own life into her hands and start trying to controll herself against the person who is hurting her so.
Everyone in the outside world see her as bright, loud, energetic and full of surprises, if only they knew. She needs help.. she needs a new start in life..
So as she sat there.. Looking at herself in the mirror.. Saying “i deserve a better life.. A new start” She took her own life.. Finally she was free from all the hurt. And was going to a better place where people WILL love her like she deserves!
Written by:
Erin Baker.
A.k.a Sugahonie
Pinyata_Dead Community Member |