Name: Mallory 'Molly' Reynolds
Age: 21
Gender: Female
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Bright yellow/gold
Family: Has parents, but is pretty distant from them now.
Talents/Powers: -Blessed/Cursed with the ability to see demons(a good portion of which are invisible to most others who are without supernatural ties themselves) and the ability to attract them to her as well(some are attracted by hunger, some by a good body to possess, reasons vary from demon to demon.)
- While by no means a medic she is pretty good at treating wounds, she gets good practice on herself.
Personality: First and foremost she is anxious and paranoid. Due to her 'talent' she is almost always at risk of being attacked/confronted/etc. by demons or things of a supernatural nature. Because of this she tends to be wary of her surroundings right down to the tiniest shadows in an effort to keep herself aware of any possible attack. Unfortunately this tends to leave her wound tighter than a clock-spring and always nervous around any sort of non-human, if not straight-out terrified. She also has problems with humans, since the reaction of most people is that she is well... Crazy. Makes it difficult for her to really trust regular people as well.
But despite all of this she is still very much an average girl. She is kindhearted, a little temperamental, and still enjoys having fun(when it can be had) as well. And sometimes, she is willing to trust some people. And she will trust those people strongly.
Backstory: Molly's life started out happily and normally enough, she was an only child with normal loving parents. Contrary to the stereotype she was never the eerie little kid. In fact she was actually much more rambunctious and free spirited as a kid. She would be the kid who would climb furniture, play games of imagination all the time, and so on and so forth. She also had an active imagination with a nice plethora of little friends she came up with herself. For the first portion of her life, everything was good.
It was when she turned ten that things started getting weird. Though she had long abandoned the idea of imaginary friends and monsters in the closet, she swore she kept seeing things. Shadows scurrying about. Accidents such as items breaking with no one around to break them. Molly waking up with injuries with no known cause as to why. At first it was all small and easy to write off. Nothing to really be concerned about. But as time went on it became harder and harder to ignore it all. The injuries were worse, the accidents more disasterous... And strongest of all was the very real sight of demons. Of all shapes and sizes, all temperaments as well. Which seemed to not be seen by others even if someone else was looking right at them. It made it difficult to tell others as she very often got a scornful look or just flat out said to be crazy. Even by her own family. No matter how many times she spoke up and insisted that what she saw was real. That she wasn't crazy. But no one wanted to listen. Even as things escalated further. Even as others began to get hurt as well.
One night things got intense with her family, the arguments of her truth versus their assumptions were clashing very badly. In a huff Molly ran out of her house. Disregarding any sign of demons about she ran out into a moonless and starless night. Unfortunately a particularly nasty demon had been waiting, a strong scent of a tasty meal had been tempting him for ages and he was presented with a perfect opportunity. Molly hadn't even seen it coming, it's all a blur to her now. The first clear memory of that incident was waking up laying face up in a filthy puddle of her own blood, covered in vicious bite marks and with her left eye taken right from it's socket. She was unsure of where she was or how long it had been since the attack had started. But she knew she didn't want to stay, with some effort she got herself patched up and her eye-socket covered. She then began to wander, no one would believe her if she told them so she had no reason to trust anyone. And if she settled it would be easier for demons to catch her. So now she scrounges an existence out, stealing and begging for food as she needed it and sleeping wherever she could safely lay her head.
Any advice on improvements is appreciated. And hopefully I can have a nice piece of art up sometime soon.
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