have you ever woke up and relize that your family was gone or that all your friends just stop talking to you. Have you dreamed about leaving this world or killing someone you love not because you wanted to but had to? Or does all your friends and family still love you but yet you always stay away from them because inside all the pain and hate you have or feel towards them scares you? what if you knew the biggest secret and couldn't tell a soul because it would not only be the death of you but also the ones you love and so hate but have to protect because it is the right thing to do? Well what if i told that all this is true and all this is happening infront of you. well try to fix as much of your troubles and then mabye she could fix hers. because if you think you have it rough i can garuntee there is someone out there with twice as much happening. so think twice for what you wish for cause you might just get what you want.
Edward and Bella Forever 