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~Angelic Love~
{Spread The Love}
~I believe in God~
~All About An Angel~

I know myself, No one can bring me down. I am very optimistic. Time is precious. I value myself, I love and respect myself and others^^.I believe that we have only one life, so we should always live our livess to the fullish. I dream to become a singer. I want to help the world as much as I can. One day I want to sing on a stage, the whole world watching me. I respect myself and want to be respected in return. I'm serious in things that need to be taken seriously. I don't play around like a little kid. I consider myself to be mature. I never judge people in a bad way. At first glance I immediately think you are a good person, until i really understand someone, then I change my opinion about them. It may sound naive but it's not, it's just respect to my fellow. I believe in God, I'm a Roman Catholic, I know my religion very well. I love music. " In music there is harmony, in harmony there is peace, in peace there is love." As history may change, nature never repeats itself. So we must preserve nature as well as time. school is wonderful, but did you know that as some people think that school is a waste of time, there are children in other countries who dream of going to school, but they can't afford it. So we are all very blessed. I say, be thankful for all your blessing, everything you shall need in right in front of you, you just need to reach for it. If you don't believe in god, you don't have to, but know that even if you didn't god still loves you.
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Angelic Love Singer
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Angelic Love Singer
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