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Literate Ramblings of the Nonsensical Kind Nothing necessarily on a set topic. I love poetry (and write a bit), anime, and the good things in life. Not that you care...or do you? *mindrape* Oh...well, I guess not... O_o;

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OC: Felix
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Age: 19
Species/Race: Genetically-modified Human (Fox cross)
Height: 5' 5"
Physique: 100lbs / VERY bony
Skin: Pale with red or brown accents
Eyes: Glowing amber
Hair: Fairly short, very wild orange-ish blond
+ can have Fox ears (especially when being sneaky)
+ often seen with fire crackers, explosives, etc.
+ 忠犬 【ちゅうけん] / chuuken - "faithful dog" tattooed at the nape of his neck

+ very rarely frowns, but also very rarely smiles sincerely
+ LOVES explosives, loud objects, and fire

+ Red headband with yellow blotches
+ Red outgrown wife beater
+ WAY too big brown pants (he found them from Kane, a HUGE guy)
+ Tabi socks and sandals
+ Underwear. Yes, it always shows :3



[ x ] - Perfect chibi reference by I.S.P.

[ x ] - lol@beanbagchair

OC: Robin
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Age: 23
Species/Race: Genetically-modified Human (Saluki cross)
Height: 5' 7"
Physique: 140lbs / curvy, but sleek (VERY fast)
Skin: creamy white
Eyes: black
Hair: fades from light brown to black tips / long bangs, cropped in the back (but not too short / sometimes wears in ponytail)
+ Can have Saluki ears, especially in chibi form
+ When in assassin garb, almost always has her hair pulled back
+ Carries Sai as her weapon of choice (wears sheaths on both her legs when dressed to kill)
+ 忠犬 【ちゅうけん] / chuuken - "faithful dog" tattooed on right arm

+ Extremely intelligent, but easily bored
+ Independent, aloof... can come across as impatient
+ When going for the kill, is very vicious (likes to end things quickly)

+ Assassin outfit
+ When not in assassin garb, has very elegant fashion with an artistic flare



[ x ] - Saluki reference

[ x ] - hair, outfit, and tattoo reference

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OC: Kuno
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Nickname: Hachiko (HATES this nickname. Called such by old teammates that he's slowly picking off.)
Age: 28
Species/Race: Genetically-modified Human (Doberman cross)
Height: 6' 1"
Physique: 170lbs / well-formed muscles, but not bulky, just… usefully fit
Skin: Dark, almost completely unsaturated brown
Eyes: very dark brown, almost black
Hair: shortish/head-hugging white
+ can have cropped doberman-like ears
+ Smokes at times, but dislikes the concept of addiction, so stops smoking periodically to control the habit
+ 忠犬 【ちゅうけん] / chuuken - "faithful dog" tattooed to shoulder blade

+ very "fck off"-ish
+ manipulative
+ flirts when he thinks he can get something from it

+ anything with casual good style
+ ...or nothing at all :3 (likes going around shirtless/in boxers/etc.)


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[ x ] - (female) Doberman Pinscher

[ x ] - the perfect reference, chibified

[ x ] - by NuL

[ x ] - by I.S.P.

[ x ] - RAWR reference

[ x ] - shows off his personality

[ x ] - by Falling Uphill

[ x ] - by Kakkara18

OC: Sahbar
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Nickname: Sabs / Sab / Sabby-chuu
Age: way older than humanity...
Species/Race: Rabies Virus
Height: microscopic? O__o;
Physique: freakishly thin / lanky / bony
Skin: light blue
Eyes: green iris, no pupil
Hair: white with green, curling streaks that are slightly longer than the white hair
Other: black teeth / skin connected in two places across his mouth / marks above eyebrows (see character sheet)

+ eats electricity (feeds on neurons in the brain/spinal chord)
+ afraid of water (hydrophobia)
+ sudden mood changes (very happy to extremely angry/homicidal/sadistic)

+ weird bondage-type stuff



Sahbar's best friend / cat thing
Skin: black, but turns bright green for a while after he's eaten



[ x ] - character sheet

[ x ] - shows off his feet

[ x ] - shows off sadistic personalty

[ x ] - hydrophobia

[ x ] - great reference by I.S.P.

[ x ] - more playful side

[ x ] - great reference by WillowWhiskers

[ x ] - great chibi reference by I.S.P.

[ x ] - great reference by Kyuoko

[ x ] - awesome idea with the ripped shirt by Plastic Lemon

[ x ] - by Falling Uphill

[ x ] - by Kakkara18

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Name chaaaange! X3
Oh wow... this feels... sooooo weird. I haven't changed my name since I first joined Gaia almost three years ago :3

But honestly, I've been thinking about it for a looong time. The -chan thing was getting on my nerves (both here and on deviantART, since there are SO many -chans nowadays! D: )

I've been looking for weeks for clues as to what my new name should be, since Shakaku just never felt quite right, and I usually just went by Shaku anyway (but Shaku as a name was already taken on Gaia).

So I pulled out my trusty Japanese dictionary and found out that a Shakuhachi is a type of bamboo flute~ Shaku (my name) + take (bamboo). Shakutake.

So now, I can still go by Shaku without having to have that annoying -chan at the end X3 I think it's pretty cool, but I'd love some feedback! *whines* X3 What do ya'll think?

...*not really expecting feedback on her journal, but asks for it anyways* XD

Breedable/Changeable Pets!

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Hoolycrap... lotsa pixapets XD So addictive!
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Awesomeness Artwork from Others X3~
Rawr~ Artstuffs from other people ^3^

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from Emberwing, who's totally fawking awesome for drawing this for me~

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From Hikari KitKit, who's a friggin genius with dolls X3

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From my lovely Raeshe-sama X3

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Both from my lahv Shattering Memories at User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.

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From Mamo-kun!! X3 Sankyuu!!! T3T

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From Renny~ mrgreen
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From Kyouko of my babe, Sahbar! X3

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The bottom two are my OCs Kuno and Sahbar~ X3
Chibis from Sane's fawking awesome artshop biggrin

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Art from Alatariel Silimaure!

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