im zico or you can call me james i dont rlly care, or you can call me butt lmao idrc as long as someone talksto me
im an undermotived honors student and a senior at plymouth north
uuuh im not nearly as stupid or scary as i look i promise ;; i just wanna live the kawaii life
i play league of legends a whole s**t ton and i'm a cosplayer as well! also obsessed with the LCS my favourite team is clg, and eg (for the eu scene) (snoopeh is the handsome ******** in my sig)
i could happily spend my life dicking around on tumblr twitter or skype; if you want any of my contact info send me a holla
uuuuuuh ok compact rundown of my life go: i play tuba, im hella ******** gay, fannibal, brony for the porn, music includes metal, kpop, classic rock, classical, and rap, i swear too much and cant spell to save my life, and i have a bad habit of never logging out of anything
aaand dis is my face

i kno i kno, gorgeous :***