ok, first post is actually quite a big achievement for me.
background: Cancer research Uk has created a running event in order to raise money for cancer research. The longest running one of these is the "race for life" which is a 5kilometre/ 3.1 mile race for women only. You can choose to run, jog or walk the course. They take place in the months June, July and August. there is also a smaller race for males, although this does not run at the same time as the women's races.
Almost all of the participants have a back sign which they use to show who they are running for and many find it very emotional to read these as they go about the course.
The sad thing is that in the Uk alone 1/3 people are touched by cancer in some way and many lose a loved one. cancer research aims to help everyone affected by it.
more info- http://www.cancerresearchuk.org/
My Training Now I'm not the fittest of people and certainly do not enjoy putting myself through pain but I set myself a goal to jog the race for life. This meant training ( wahmbulance ).
It started off good (my friends Dad's a proffesional runner) and slowly went downhill, though it did peak when i was on Holiday where my main methods of travel were train and foot. The site gives you a training plan to follow if you wish but I only followed it for the first 2 weeks. Training varied in conditions: (the British weather) I even ran in Snow!
Race day. Cue the British weather again! It was raining all day and as I was running in a woodland area this meant mud. massive puddles of the stuff. confused I arrived around 1hr and a 1/2 before the race, though it was delayed due to road blockages. The warm up was really enjoyable, carribean music in rain! we got seperated into groups: runners, walkers and joggers. And were set off in roughly the right order. Puddles covered the track and by the end of it my trainers were full of water and brown instead of white, and my legs were covered (i can only run in 3/4 lengths) I only walked 200m of it due to bottle necks and bridges with a sprint to the finish. it's much easier with a group of people who are all spurring each other on.
Times: fastest runner (estimate): around 22 mins my time- 35mins 21secs thats a 12 minute mile or a 7 minute KM and so far, on my own I've raised around £80 and hope to get my mum's work to double that.
xp xp xp xp xp
Warkwarkwoo · Thu Jul 10, 2008 @ 12:43pm · 0 Comments |